"YOU-lived" - kraudfandingovy comic with real stories about the Gulag
Books / / December 19, 2019
The platform goes Planeta.ru raise funds for a very important, very necessary and very scary project. Museum of the History of the Gulag tells stories of people who passed through Stalin's camps.
For the project "YOU-lived", addressed to a young audience, unusual for such a topic is selected, but the favorite format Generation Z - graphic novels, stories in pictures.
She remembers the orphanage - where children learn to dinner (though no notebooks or pens they were not), then obtain food in the forest, and the teacher took away their sugar. From property Julia was a blue ribbon, a gift from other educators.
Later, a brother found Julia first and then the other two sisters. But she did not know until now, looked like her parents - in one instance it was unable to obtain their photos.
Through camp gulag system passed 20 million people - more than the combined population of Moscow, Voronezh, Sochi and, for example, in Rostov-on-Don. Every tenth prisoner has not returned home. Today, one in four young people, according toRepression of the twentieth century: the memory of loved ones VTsIOM, has no idea what's going on.
When Inna Zheleznovskaya graduated from high school, relatives gave her sensible advice: it is necessary to choose a profession, which can survive in the camp. She was relatively lucky - firstly, in the school it is not so slighted because of the fact that she is the daughter of an enemy nation. And secondly, she still remembers the pope. He brought gifts for the New Year, she sewed clothes, was making covers for children's books, she sang "Tell me, girl, girlfriend your" and was witty tongue. He died of exhaustion in camp a few years after criticizing the authorities, in a rage threw that overseas workers live better. Someone reported.
In December 2018 the museum opened the exhibition "The Gulag in the destinies of people and history of the country." It will be possible not only to see items of camp life and learn the historical details, but also to walk through the camp with the help of virtual reality technology.
The "YOU-lived" - those stories were true of this camp to anyone. Stories Julia, Ina and other eyewitnesses were the basis of a series of graphic novels about the Gulag. This is not a novel, it's "just" picture. But such that "razvidet" they will not get even the most serene teenager.
Julia Pashayeva, one of the heroines of the projectYoung people need to know about the persecution. At that time everything was carefully hidden, so now it is important to talk about it, to the terror will never happen again. So many people have suffered innocently. We did not know what the mother and father did not know the caress of love, we did not have toys, we could not play the game. In today's youth should form his view of this injustice.
Museum really need your help to render and publish a collection. Already collected 90 thousand rubles, all you need 250 thousand. We will not change the past, but if you can put off buying some sweet stuff, then slightly increase the likelihood of a much more optimistic future.
Perhaps someone from the powers that he remembered about the blue ribbon.
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