Spices not only give even the most ordinary dishes a special taste, but also help to avoid problems with the heart, blood vessels and reduce the risk of diabetes. Not for nothing are now back in vogue ayurveda, yoga and everything connected with India.
And if earlier it just spoke and gave examples from his own or someone else's experience, and now these data are confirmed by scientific research.
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At this time the research was conducted at the Research University of Pennsylvania. The results may not please the fans of Indian cuisine and Ayurveda.
But first, a short digression in the form of a brief reference. Many people do not distinguish between herbs and spices. In fact, they are very difficult to separate, as there are about a hundred of spices. kitchen herbs - a different part of the plant (root, stem, seeds, bark, fruits, etc.), which are added to food in small quantities, as they are quite distinct taste and aroma.
And if the spice can be only part of the plant, the spices and seasonings may be other substances. Such as vinegar, sugar, salt, alcohol - it spices
. They also include citric acid and yeast.Ayurveda - a traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine. Now many are addicted to only part of the system, namely, the right diet, which includes a fairly large number of herbs and spices. That only is the milk and butter Guy, turmeric, black pepper, and honey. By the way, perfectly helps cope with a cold.
And now we come back to the scientific study of herbs and spices, and their positive influence on our health. During the experiment, it was found out that the use of such common spices and mixtures thereof, such as curry, turmeric and cinnamon, a positive effect on our body and is a good preventive cardiovascular diseases.
Spicy, spicy food helps reduce the level of triglycerides (A type of fat in the blood) by a third, even if the dishes were high in fat.
For studies used a mixture composed of garlic, oregano, curry, curcuma, and pepper, rosemary and ginger. In the near future, scientists plan to find out exactly how wags the body, each of spices.
While scientists conduct their research, thereby confirming the new scientific methods of truth, which is already more than a thousand years, I suggest you make to your standard diet a little variety by using spices and seasonings. For this will give you brief information about the most common.
Turmeric. There are a huge number of species of turmeric, but we will not dwell on it in detail. It is part of many spices, the most popular of which - a curry. Turmeric is warming and immunostimulatory spice and added to the drinks in the treatment of colds. It has also been proven that one of the substances included in the spices - bisdemetoksikurkumin is immunomodulator, stimulating phagocytosis of amyloid-beta (accumulation of which it is the cause of the disease Alzheimer's).
Saffron. Saffron is very easily confused with turmeric and in our markets, you will most likely sell it it, but under the guise of saffron. This saffron is very expensive and it is quite difficult to find. One test - take a small amount of saffron, put on the wrist and strongly rub - you should be hot. Saffron helps maintain eyesight in good condition, up to prevent blindness. Throw in blood purification, help with headaches and insomnia, kidney cleansing, toning and rejuvenating effect on the entire body. It turns out that the spice does get gold, not only in color.
Rosemary. It improves digestion, increases blood pressure, well-toned body. It goes well as a seasoning for meat and dried tomatoes!
Thymus (thyme). In ancient times, thyme was considered a "divine herb", which was not only able to return to the person's health, but also life. Excellent comes with meat and vegetable dishes.
Cayenne pepper.Also known as hot peppers or chili peppers. It is the high content of vitamins A and C among the vegetable crops. Also it is used in various shocks - heart attacks, fainting and bleeding. It expands the blood vessels when they are tapered and narrows when expanded. Because it makes alcohol tincture, which is used for pain in the heart instead of nitroglycerin.
Black pepper. It helps digestion and improves appetite.
Garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. In addition it reduces blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, has antiparasitic properties. In addition, some components included in the composition of garlic, enter into reaction with the erythrocytes and thereby reduce pressure on the blood vessel wall, which contributes to a more active bloodstream.
Caraway. Improves the functioning of the kidneys, it helps digestion, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Added to sauces and baking, it goes well with meat and fish. It goes well with sauerkraut, and I like to add it to the risotto.
Coriander. It improves appetite and facilitates digestion is cholagogue. In a coriander seed is added to meat dishes, fish and baked goods. The green part of the plant - is coriander, which added to the great number of salads and other dishes.
Cardamom. Cardamom is a natural tonic and a great help to wake up. Especially if it is added to coffee. It is useful during exercise and improves the heart muscle. Usually added to baked goods, as in tea and coffee. In a mixture with other spices are added to meat and fish.
Nutmeg. But with this spice is better to be cautious, because nutmeg is a hallucinogen and in large quantities acts as a drug. It was used in their rituals of the inhabitants of the Malaysian archipelago and the South American Indians. In cooking, baking and used as an additive to certain vegetables (tomato, carrot, asparagus, cauliflower) are often added to the coffee mixture with cardamom and cinnamon.
Ginger. Ginger is added to teas and pastries, it goes well with meat dishes and soups. Especially popular in Thai, Indian and Chinese cuisine. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps with arthritis, increases the appetite, lowers cholesterol, normalizes blood vessels.
Cinnamon. It helps fight colds and lowers blood sugar (helps in the treatment of diabetes of the second type). Typically used in baking, it is added to coffee, tea and some alcoholic beverages. Sometimes added to the mix for chicken recipes for Indian and Chinese cuisine.
Vanilla. Fresh vanilla pods also are not very cheap, especially in our latitudes. Mainly used in the confectionery business, it is added to the curd, dough for pancakes, biscuits, cakes, mousses, creams and other desserts. Vanilla improves digestion, neutralizes the acidity and normalizes blood sugar levels. So if you - a lover of sweets, often add it to homemade cakes and desserts;)
carnation. Cloves are added to sweet and mixed with black pepper it is suitable for lamb and pork. Carnation is a good antiseptic and makes breathing easier for colds. So that it can also be added to tea or hot milk. Only careful - do not forget that it is quite sharp!
I listed the spices, which she use very often. I hope that this small explanatory dictionary will help you to vary the most ordinary dishes, add health and energy.