Not very fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish are easily identified by referring to the outer, and if the case is already very bad smell. With eggs, all is not so simple, and see how they are fresh in appearance and smell quite difficult.
Of course, when the rotten egg smell, you feel exactly, but to this point there is a lot of not very pleasant stages, when it is better to do not have. In the shop or market eggs from poultry farms are stamped with dates. Usually, they are suitable in use for a month if stored properly. But indeed home eggs bought from grandmothers, no stamps are not worth, and it is here to determine the freshness and found me useful advice.
Grandmothers are different and 100% trusted their assurances it is not necessary, as, indeed, sometimes the retailer's stamp, which are easily erased, and in their place put new.
The Board is very simple. To test you have to pour into a bowl of water and put the egg back. If it is at the bottom on one side, then the hypothetical Grandma you did not disappoint, and eggs are really "just out of the chicken, morning."
If the egg is still on the bottom, but no longer lies on her side, but as it stands, it means it does not have such and fresh, and it is best to eat quickly. Moreover, the use of such eggs raw or partially raw unacceptable!
If the egg came up, throw it away without a second thought.
This test works because the shell of the egg is very porous and the "older" eggs, the more air gets under the skin. The more air under the shell, the more chance to become a ship or an egg float in a bowl of water.
Let me remind you that the shelf life of eggs an average of thirty days. But dietary they are only seven days after they were demolished.