Herbs on the windowsill: how to grow your own little garden
Do It Yourself Food / / December 19, 2019
Why put dill and parsley on the windowsill, where you can still buy it in a store or on the market? Firstly, still green, you just stripped the beds, distinguished by a special freshness and flavor. Secondly, when, thanks to your efforts to grow from the seeds of small rostochku first, and then fluffy tufts fresh greens, it causes such joy and pride that a small hobby may eventually break in serious hobby. And finally, thirdly, greens in pretty pots - a great interior decoration.
In this article are some tips on how to start breeding her little garden.
Choose what you plant
This stage is very important. Carefully read about the plants you want to plant and about their needs. Some of them will not be able to grow indoors. The most popular herbs for growing on the windowsill - basil, parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary, thyme.
Choose healthy plants
You can grow plants from seeds, and can buy a ready-made seedlings. In any case, buy something, and the other in a trusted shop. Carefully inspect the seedling: leaves should not be yellow or brown, then check that the plant did not have insects or any growths. Examine the roots, they usually have to be pale yellow or white.
Choose a location
Most plants need sunlight, but the amount it needs to be adjusted. Many plants are perfectly will feel in the heat and high humidity, but will dry out if they are in direct sunlight. Do not be afraid to experiment, and rearrange the pots from place to place, until you find the best option. Take into account the characteristics of each plant and the Basilica need more sunlight and heat than, for example, chervil. A cilantro tolerates almost any conditions.
Choose pots
Choosing pots, remember that herbs will grow and it will need space. Do not forget that these pots will be part of your home decor, which means you need to pay careful attention to the selection of colors and sizes. You can get creative and make pots out of old cups, mugs or cans, just remember to make holes for drainage.
The main thing to look out for: the right to make a hole for drainage, good soil, fertilizer.
Make labels
If you are new to gardening, then you just need the labels. Without them you will remember where they put Thai basil, and where - basil Genovese? In addition, the label - this is another opportunity to show imagination and decorate pots. For example, you can make labels as pointers to a wooden stick and a stick in the ground.
Watch out for pests
That pests do not eat all your greens, you have to identify their presence in the early stages, before it has become a global problem. Regularly inspect the plants for signs of insect or fungal infections. Wrong color or shape of the leaves, stunted growth and, of course, directly insects themselves will signal you that it is time to take treatment of your plants.
be careful
Be observant. Your plants themselves will tell you that they unwell. Proper greens looks fresh and bright. Podvyavshie leaves withered and overall appearance - signs that a plant that does not like something. Carefully review the features of the herbs that you plant, each plant needs an individual approach.
Keep a diary
The diary must be present schedules watering and fertilizing, and regular recording of the appearance of plants, and notes about the changes, that you have made to the process of caring for a plant (eg, transposed to a different location), as well as how it affected his appearance and state. This blog will help you find the optimal conditions for the cultivation of a particular type, and will be a good experience for the future.
Regularly prune plants
Regular grooming enables plants to develop and grow new leaves. Also, cut the leaves, you will immediately use in food.
Enjoy the fruits of their labor
So it is a happy moment when, instead of the unknown or the dried green greens from a bag, you can use your personally grown, fresh and fragrant. Basil suitable for pesto sauce or salad, thyme perfectly sets off the flavor of meat dishes, rosemary essential for the preparation of hot cakes or focaccia. Enjoy a variety of flavors of fresh herbs.