Who invented the diet of four palms
Nutritionists say that the greatest effect for weight loss and health have a balanced feed system, where quite useful elements, a person does not present a constant feeling of hunger and hence the break risk is minimal. This is the simple principle of supply came up with a nutritionist Susie Vengel from Denmark.
It became known among the residents of the Scandinavian countries thanks to the book The Scandi Sense Diet. The author tells how to use small power adjustments, she managed to get rid of for the year from 38 kg. Susie weighed more than 100 kg, and is now in good shape and continues to improve the figure. In addition, Susie - mother of five children, and therefore also faced with the problem of "swing" weight, known to many parous women.
meal plan, described in the book, already named very simple diet, and its popularity is growing every day.
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Publication of Suzy Wengel (@senseslankmedfornuft)
What is the essence of the diet
Each main meal (three times daily) should be measured in four of your handfuls. Skip to main terms of food, there are some additions, as detailed below write.
The basis of food
1st and 2nd palm - vegetables, herbs, lettuce
This is the norm, even though nutritionists say that is enough for a handful, if you feel saturated. This includes almost all vegetables and greens, except potatoes, sweet potatoes and beans.
Third hand - carbohydrates
This palm is placed complex carbohydrates, namely bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, fruits and berries. If you wish to periodically give up carbs, you can replace them with a handful of vegetables or half a handful of protein.
4th hand - proteins
This includes meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cheese and legumes. Protein You need not be present at all three meals - you can add a 4th hand only twice a day. Susie does not mention cheese as a product is unknown in Denmark, but it can also be included in the diet.
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Publication of Suzy Wengel (@senseslankmedfornuft)
So that the body is working properly and there were no problems with the skin, to the main power supply must be added fats. They can be obtained from the following products:
- vegetable oils;
- butter;
- nuts;
- sunflower seeds;
- mayonnaise;
- cream;
- fat cheese;
- avocado;
- Dark chocolate.
Number - 1-3 tablespoons per day, or its equivalent.
Dairy products can be added on request diet and according to their own taste preferences - as one of the variants of snack. Number - up to 300 grams per day.
drinking regime
Should drink 1-1.5 liters of water a day, you can drink tea and coffee without sugar. The author mentions and Diet Coke, which can be drunk in small quantities.
This power supply system does not exclude the use of harmful vkusnyashek to which the hands and stretch in stores: sugary drinks, cakes, chocolates, ice cream, potato chips, smoked. But of course, nutritionists recommend to reduce portions, or allow yourself treats only a couple of times a week.
With a balanced diet, you will miss the useful items, so the desire for such products may be reduced - and this is one of the main goals of this power system. After all, if you exclude "hazard" weight loss process goes much faster.
Why is it effective
The secret is in the three components of this system:
- balance (you lack the necessary elements, so you feel satiety, and you do not want to overeat);
- number of (four handfuls of food in each meal - it is approximately 2000 kcal for men and 1500 kcal for women);
- the absence of a strict ban (do not need to give up sweets, so you do not break - better control of their number).
Slimming result depends on the initial weight, but the average is 400-800 g per week to achieve an optimal weight.
Are there any contraindications
In keeping with this power supply system, you do not limit yourself in nutrients and vitamins, so there is no specific contraindications.
You can eat these principles as long as you want, unless you have a doctor's prescription for special nutrition.
What to remember
- To measure food use palm.
- Vegetables and herbs should take two handfuls, carbohydrates and proteins - one.
- Daily turn into fat diet and drink 1-1.5 liters of water.
- A couple of times you can afford a little treat in the week.
see also
- 7 principles of intuitive power, which will help to lose weight without dieting →
- How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: training and nutrition programs for sustainable results →
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