Plantar Fasciitis: the causes and exercises to strengthen the foot
Sport And Fitness Health / / December 19, 2019
Each class has two sides: positive and negative. And at running has its negative side, the consequences of which we are confronted by ignorance or by his own stupidity: too much load, improper equipment, poorly chosen shoes, ignoring the peculiarities of their physical form or other mistake that not only beginners, but also more mature runners.
Today we will talk about one of the unpleasant moments - the plantar fasciitis (heel spur), its causes and special exercises for the prevention of this problem.
Plantar fasciitis - Disease, whose main symptom is pain in the heel, or amplifying occurs under load. In most cases the pain is caused by inflammatory and degenerative changes plantar (plantar) fascia. Less often heel pain is directly related to traumatization bony growths surrounding soft tissues.
This disease also has a folksy name "heel spur" or "spur on the heel," though the term is not quite right, because this is a consequence of bone spurs plantar fasciitis.
In more simple terms, this is when the very advanced stages of heel you can grow a real spur. In this case, the only way to get rid of problems - surgery if holding shockwave therapy in which bone is destroyed outgrowth directional effects of sound wave energy, has not resulted in the desired results.
runners and people with excess weight are at risk. If you belong to both groups, the chance to make plantar fasciitis Overloading and improper choice of shoes is doubled.
The main symptoms are:
- sharp heel pain in the morning on the first steps;
- feeling of tension in the Achilles tendon.
Diagnose plantar fasciitis patients with complaints of pain in the heel area is entirely possible by a medical examination sore feet for probing the Spurs and X-rays. In the absence of possible diagnoses spur circle expands, as it can be rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's syndrome or other diseases.
Apart from all these unpleasant pain and trips to the doctors, the most common problem for runners - interruption of training for quite a long period, which can range from one to two years.
Also, as the treatment and prevention of medical use massagesSpecial orthotics and exercises that will help get rid of unpleasant feelings and well stretch the connective tissues of the foot and lower leg.
Cross the causes of plantar fasciitis:
- too high running load;
- neglect of exercises for stretching the calf muscles;
- too active or running over the hills on the speed of training;
- flat or too high insteps;
- Hard Achilles tendon;
- incorrect statement of the foot;
- incorrectly picked up running shoes;
- Running too hard on surfaces such as asphalt or concrete.
Prevention of plantar fasciitis
Such hard surfaces like asphalt or concrete, have never been considered a good option for running. If you start to feel the unpleasant symptoms of pain in the feet, especially in the heel area, or you will be a long training, should look for a soft and springy treadmills. Choose the right sports shoes with arch support, avoid shoes with hard soles and flat, and walking barefoot.
Also do not forget the basic rules of running load increase: increase the mileage distance of not more than 10% per week from the already runnable distance.
And, of course, remember to massage and exercises to stretch the Achilles tendon, calf muscles and other tendons of the foot.
Video number 1
This video is a simple exercise that perform better in the morning, before finally getting out of bed. For a foot massage, you will need the most ordinary tennis ball.
Video number 2
In this video, just one simple but effective exercise that will be a great part of the warm-up before a run.
Video number 3
Another exercise that is recommended to perform before you get out of bed.
Each foot hold in this position for 15-20 seconds and perform three sets on each leg every day.
Video number 4
In this video - options exercise for the feet of the yoga. Charging will take you have no more than ten minutes, and you will feel the positive effect already after the first time. As often happens when the warm-up the muscles that we normally do not develop.
Video number 5
More some exercises from yoga, you can do almost without rising from his chair. This is a great warm-up is not just for runners, but also for those who work sitting for 8 hours at home or in the office. If you walk in high heels, these exercises will bring welcome relief to tired legs. Incidentally, high heels can also be the cause of plantar fasciitis.
Video number 6
And this is yoga for the more advanced. All exercises can be performed as shown in the Lite version. For example, in the fifth exercise (sambasana) optionally as to twist and cast foot high. If you badly stretched lift with the knees and feet problems, to slightly modify this option and sit almost in Turkish, but his legs, on top of which lies on the thigh.
Video number 7
And the last video for today - warm from the ballet dancers. What they can do their foot, impressive!
As for the massage, they can execute them using a tennis ball, a small rubber ball from any a toy store or bottles with cold water (and sometimes cooled in a freezer), which will be particularly way after jogging. But this is another separate issue.
Do not be ill, and productive workouts you!
See also:
- Like running pumps brain
- 25 shoes for jogging with AliExpress and other online stores
- How not to gain weight while working at home