Exercises that will save your posture if you sit a lot
Sport And Fitness Health / / December 19, 2019
The eight-hour day at the computer - the whole ordeal for the body. Some muscles are too stretched, others are constantly compressed state, which spoils the posture and cause pain in the back, neck and hips. Layfhaker tell you how to warm up, to maintain good posture and prevent occurrence of diseases.
Surely you know how to sit at the computer. Unfortunately, in reality, very few people comply with these rules. As we sit as it is more convenient for the working day: lean heavily on the table or recline, sit with slanted shoulders.
Because of this, there is scoliosis, stooping (thoracic kyphosis), excessive bending at the waist (hyperlordosis), with a neck problem.
In order to somehow reduce the harm to the body, we offer you a set of exercises that will help to warm up on the job. Some exercises can be done at home or add to them a workout in the gym.
Error №1. Forward slope with round backs
In this position, the rear surface of the body muscles (extensor muscles of the back, buttocks, hamstrings) are stretched, while the front (chest muscles, abdominal muscles and quads) are compressed.
Furthermore, in this position the shoulders often rise up and are fed forward, which causes overvoltage trapezius muscles.
suitable exercises
Here are exercises to help stretch the muscles squeezed his chest, abdomen and legs.
Stretch the iliopsoas muscle and the quadriceps can be at home. Complex for stretching and massage of the neck can be seen in this article.
But the positive effect will be incomplete if you do not strengthen your muscles stretched back surface of the body. These exercises are not done in the office, but they are quite feasible to perform at home or in the gym.
To get rid of the stiffness of muscles, roll them on a massage roller. This will help to improve blood circulation and restore the elasticity of the muscles.
Massage roller - simply irreplaceable thing, if you sit a lot at work and do not have the opportunity to go for a massage. here here You can read how to use it.
Error №2. deviation ago
In this position, you have suffered greatly loin because increased compression in the lower spine. In addition, the back muscles are in the compressed position.
suitable exercises
To stretch your back, bend forward and follow the twisting
Error №3. Skewed to one side
In this position, the muscles on one side are stretched, on the other hand are compressed - suitable conditions for the development of scoliosis.
suitable exercises
That's stretching, which help to remove imbalances.
Error №4. You sit, putting one leg over the other
In one study,Comparison of Postures According to Sitting Time with the Leg Crossed. it has been found that if a long time (over three hours) to sit, putting one leg over the other, skewing the shoulders and hips, and the neck is stretched forward.
suitable exercises
To reduce the harm of such a situation, make a slope in the direction of a lunge. Not to stay in one position, do stretching exercises and get up at least once an hour. So you will significantly reduce harm to the posture of sedentary work.