Why physical activity at work will not replace exercise
Sport And Fitness A Life / / December 19, 2019
People whose work involves physical exertion, often ignore the exercise, citing the fact that they have enough traffic. However, the activity on the job does not give you all the benefits of a good workout in the gym.
At work, you're pumped, not all muscle groups
In many cases, physical labor is rather monotonous, because every day you perform the same actions. In this work the same muscle groups, while others relax and lose tone.
Overvoltage and some relaxation of other muscles causes an imbalance in the body, spoils the posture and causes a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Hence, there are different occupational diseases - impingement syndrome, back pain, joint diseases.
In the gym you do on the program, which includes the elaboration of all muscle groups. You can pay attention to weak muscles, get rid of the imbalance and solve problems bearing.
The load is not sufficient for physical fitness
Often stress at work is not enough to maintain muscle tone and spend enough calories. The best proof of this is the fact that a lot of people whose work is connected with physical activity, are overweight and have underdeveloped muscles.
Even if the job does require physical effort, over time, the body adapts to stress and begins to spend less calories for the same job.
You do not build up traffic safety equipment
Exercise equipment in the gym and movement in everyday life are closely linked. If you raise the bar with a round back, you will avoid this error in the physical life, lifting weights with a risk for the spine.
In the gym, under the guidance of a coach or more experienced friends, you put the technique of movements, will acquire the habit right move and will transfer this knowledge into everyday life.
You will not only bleed the strength and endurance that will help you better cope with the work and increase the quality of life, but also reduce the risk of household and industrial injuries.
You do not develop flexibility
Flexibility - one of the important criteria for health and the proper technique of movement. Rigid muscles restrict the range of motion and does not allow the body to use all its features.
If you are not a yoga instructor or stretching, it is unlikely your job involves stretching muscles. It turns out that the muscles only clog, become rigid and limited range of motion.
In the gym or at home, you may well stretch out, restoring the mobility of the joints, muscles, health and good posture.
If you leave for another job, you will not move
Now your work is connected with physical activity, but if you change your profession and you'll sit for eight hours a day, all the benefits disappear.
Moreover, the habit of eating a certain way at the reduced energy costs will reward you over weight.
If you are used to going to the gym, changing jobs is almost no impact on you, since you will still be engaged, to spend energy and maintain muscle tone.
You do not get as much pleasure from the movement
Work is rarely associated with something pleasant. Also, you have too little time to pay attention to your body, because thoughts are pressing issues.
In the gym you have a rest from work, family problems. You go to the gym, downloaded thoughts and get out of the gym with a clear head and a sense of pleasant fatigue.
Hike to the gym - a great way to relieve the brain and pay attention to the body.
Warming up, watching the technique, stretching, you focus on your body, learn to listen and better understand it.
No physical activity is no substitute for the joy of sport and would not provide as many benefits for health. So forget about excuses, wear sneakers - and more!