How to eat and exercise to women "pear" to be in shape
Sport And Fitness Health / / December 19, 2019
Natalia Kuzmich
Online coach. profile Instagram.
If you are the owner of a brittle top and bottom volume, your body type - "pear". Despite the feminine form, this figure often brings disappointment. Every extra kilo is transformed into "ears" to the pope or cellulite even in relatively slender girls. And after the birth becomes very disappointing: a bra size is the same, but in favorite jeans is impossible to climb. Tell me what to do to get rid of excess fat.
Common mistakes that should be avoided
Cellulite and "ears" do not get to grips with the help of a diet. Only a combination of regular exercise and proper nutrition will help to lose weight. Some people succeed after hunger lose weight, but is still flabby and loose skin, there are problems with hair, nails, mood and memory.
Lose weight will not help and wonder shorts or miracle creams. Just remember that they do not work.
If you decide to include in the work on the body massage of problem areas, please note that it helps only at the stage when the fat burning process has already begun. And that's why.
Weight loss occurs due to the breakdown of fat. But they are not deposited evenly throughout the body, and gather in certain places. For example, in girls with type figure "pear" is the hips. Now imagine that the process of losing weight - it is the melting of snow in spring. Where drifts disappear in the first place? Of course, where the snow lies a thin layer, for example on paths and roofs. The longest it will be where all winter wipers were collected in a heap it, clearing the road.
And with the fat in the body. His most on the hips, "ears", flanks, abdomen. On the face, chest and back fat very little. So please be patient. First, the person will lose weight and chest and then butt and hips.
When excess fat is almost come down, we can again remember the wipers and use their cunning tricks to smash the remaining "snow" with the help of massage. But without sports massage and nutrition - is an attempt to loosen the snow, when there are cold and huge drifts: it makes no sense.
So that the body take energy from the fat reserves, which make up cellulite jodhpurs on the hips and ridges above the knees, you must consume fewer calories than you spend. But it is important not to be hungry, otherwise the body will go into power-saving mode and the effect will be counterproductive.
There is a need 5-6 times a day: three main meals and 2-3 snacks lungs. Protein in the diet should be at least 1 g per 1 kg body weight, BZHU ratio - of about 30/30/40. It is this mode accelerates metabolismPrevents the accumulation of fat on the basis of the stress from the constant surges of glucose in the blood, and enables enough protein to form muscles.
The fat cells of 80% filled with water. Simple carbohydrates promote fluid retention. Therefore, the first remedy for cellulite is a failure of the sweet and starchy foods in favor of complex carbohydrates: cereals, bread and pasta from whole wheat flour, high-fiber vegetables.
fat burning
Many of the "pear" think that it is enough to load in training only the hips and buttocksAnd frustrated when this approach does not give the desired effect. But to lose weight in any one area can not be. The combustion process is tied to the selection of fat in the blood of specific hormones and lipolitikov - substances that break down fat. Blood is spread evenly over the body, fat reserves are melting.
Because on the thighs and buttocks fat the most, that's where he consumed the least.
You have to actively train, do not sit in one place, move and expend energy. Only in this way will break down fat stores.
Circular strength training trigger muscle growth, which requires a sound energy. Cardio same except the active burning calories and accelerate blood flow, results in tone cardiovascular system.
The result depends on the input data, but typically for burning fat on the hips in women with a figure "pear" requires from 3 to 8 months. The main thing - to have patience and not wait for instant results.
Ideal scheme to form a taut figure - three power and 2-3 cardio per week. Strength training form the muscles and cardio to help burn body fat to a beautiful relief was evident.
Strength training at 70% should consist of basic exercises for the major muscle groups, and 30% - of isolating exercises dot is considering individual muscles. To include basic squats, lunges, pull dumbbells or a barbell to his belt, push-ups. Isolation exercises - it swings, dilution or mixing of dumbbells.
Cardio It can be done on an elliptical or exercise bike, stepper, in the pool, under the videotrenirovku with exercises without jumps. There is important, not speed, and heart rate.
The most creative part of the training for women with a figure of "pear" is to hone the beautiful proportions and balance the heavy bottom of the top developed muscles.
For this to be included in the training:
- push-ups for chest muscles;
- Press of dumbbells over your head for the expansion of the shoulder girdle;
- pull-ups with a broad statement of the hands, pull dumbbells or a barbell to his belt in the slope of the back muscles.
It is important to gradually increase the weight, so that the muscles do not have time to adapt. That is what will make them grow.
It is important to not forget about the lower part of the body. Add a variety of training exercises in the form of insulation: mahi with weighting, mahi with a dumbbell behind the knee, gluteal bridge.
To combat the pits and dimples on thighs slimming massage will help. It improves blood and lymph circulation in problem areas, it helps to break down fat and rapidly deduce toxic products of this decay. The skin on a regular massage becomes more dense, smooth and elastic.
You can buy special massagers, vacuum cans, or even use a rolling pin, wrapped up in plastic film. It is important to observe the correct technique not touch the inside of the thighs, where the lymph nodes are massaged upwards and buttocks More inside and outside. This should be done before the reception of the red.
- Without proper nutrition training will not help. Fasting does not work either.
- Local weight loss - a myth. Fat from problem areas below the waist will go last.
- Just burn fat enough. Beautiful figure - is developed muscles.
- To change the type of shape to the "hourglass", need to work on proportions: to develop the shoulder girdle, chest muscles and back muscles.
- To combat cellulite is useful self-massage. But without training and proper nutrition, it does not solve the problem.
- The absence of one of the parts - power, strength training, cardio, massage or patience - significantly reduce the overall effect. To all the work, you need to put together the five elements.
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