How to play sports after 50 years
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Physical activity reduces the risk of fatalPhysical activity in older age: perspectives for healthy ageing and frailty disease by 50-80% and increaseA meta-analysis of the effect of walking exercise on lower limb muscle endurance, whole body endurance and upper body flexibility in elders the life of an average of four years. And while this is happeningTotal mortality after changes in leisure time physical activity in 50 year old men: 35 year follow-up of population based cohort Only a few years of regular training, appearance and quality of life will improve much faster. See exactly what exercises you need to include in its program to longer stay healthy and mobile.
Weight Training
After 50 years of decreasesPhysical Performance Across the Adult Life Span: Correlates With Age and Physical Activity the strength and endurance of muscles: the person losesAge-related decrease in physical activity and functional fitness among elderly men and women about 12-14% of muscle mass per decade. Bones become less dense, increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis, especially in women
Muscle and Bone Mass Loss in the Elderly Population: Advances in diagnosis and treatment - due to the hormonal changes associated with menopause. And regular power loads - the best way toThe impact of sarcopenia and exercise training on skeletal muscle satellite cells. protect muscles and bones.Strength training can be divided into two types: isolated and basic. Isolated pumped only one muscle group, basic involve several.
For example, bending hands with dumbbells involves one joint - the elbow, and directed only to pumping biceps. This is an isolated exercise. A tightening and engages the elbow and shoulder joints, the work involves latissimus dorsi, biceps, trapeze, Delta and other muscles. This exercise is basic.
Evgeny Bogachev
An expert on power and conditioning training, the head of the educational project Evotraining.
Training in isolated format on simulators do not improve coordination and balance. Therefore, preference in the selection of exercises is better to give a basic motor patterns.
Bogachev explains that all basic movements are found not only in the gym but also in everyday life. Strengthening muscles through training with free weights, you bleed the entire body evenly and reduce the risk of injury in everyday life. Here are a few exercises that can be included in the program.
This exercise develops strength legs and back. In any form of sit-ups it is important to observe the proper technique: keep your back straight, not round lower backDo not take your heels off the floor and wrapped his knees inside.
It strengthens the muscles that stabilize the spine and the back of the thigh. As in the case of the squat, it is important not to round the waist - keep your back straight at any point in the exercise. It is also important to keep the neck or the dumbbell close to the shins, to reduce the load on the lower back.
Bench presses and pushups
These exercises strengthen the muscles of the chest and back of the hands. In the gym you can do bench presses with a barbell and dumbbells at home - try different kinds of push-ups.
Traction and pulling
Strengthen your back, shoulders, biceps and shoulder. In any traction exercise in the starting position, lower the shoulders and make the blades: imagine that between them is clamped orange. If you are performing traction to the belt, making sure your body is parallel to the floor throughout the exercise.
Lunges and zashagivaniya
Such movements pumped muscles of the legs and bark, improves the sense of balance. Before taking barbells and dumbbells, try lunges without weight. Make sure that the knee during a lunge is not much came out of a sock or wrap inside during lifting. If you find it difficult to keep his balance, lunging forward or drifting around the room, try to take a step back and go back.
Folds and twists in the press
Such exercises pumped abdominal muscles, which are involved in virtually every movement and provide stability and a good sense of balance.
Any such exercise circulates the press, but the movement, in which you raise your body with fixed legs, focus on the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle, which raise legs - on the lower part and the muscles, the hip flexor.
How to do the exercises
- Suck evenly all over the body. Select one of the basic strength training movements, above, and perform in one workout. Each class change exercises.
- Follow the movement in the full range. In other words, squat and bend forward need as deep as it turns to control the stability of the waist and hips.
Evgeny Bogachev
The amplitude of motion in the joints - the key to their health since the motion joint surfaces are washed and fed synovial fluid.
- Engage with the coach. StudyMotivational characteristics and resistance training in older adults: A randomized controlled trial and 1-year follow-up It found that middle-aged people do not motivate greater results, and knowing how and what they do. Lessons with an experienced coach will make your workouts more meaningful, to help learn the techniques and movements to enter the sport without injuries and lack of motivation. If you decide to Tutor, careful approach to the choice of exercises and free weights, guided by the sensations of your body: do not exercise through pain, give yourself enough rest for recovery.
- Engage regularly. It is important for positive, sustainable change. Start a strength training two, maximum three times a week. Rest of the time you can devote to the development of general endurance.
Pick strength exercises for all muscle groups๐ช
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With age fallsDecline in VO2max with aging in master athletes and sedentary men., A comparison of longitudinal changes in aerobic fitness in older endurance athletes and sedentary men. overall endurance, so that you have a shortness of breath from even the most simple movements, and the heart and lungs work is not so good. Regular cardio slow this decline in more than two times, increase endurance, protect against heart and vascular diseases and even lowerPostponed development of disability in elderly runners: a 13-year longitudinal study. the risk of death.
The word "cardio" is often understood as running, but it is not the only option for the development of general endurance. Bogachev advises choosing exercise without impact stress on joints: Nordic walking, cross-country skiing, rowing, ergometer pedaling, swimming.
Evgeny Bogachev
To maintain a high quality of life is only two workouts per week.
With what intensity to engage
There are two options: follow the pulse train or the feelings. If you chose the former, make sure that the heart rate during exercise did not rise above 160 beats per minute. The exact values โโof the aerobic zone can see here.
Keep in mind that many fitness bracelets incorrectly indicate pulse overstating it to 10-20 beats per minute. As accurately show the heart rate device with breast sensors. But it is much easier to focus on the sensations.
Evgeny Bogachev
If you can keep the conversation going while driving - the intensity is correct.
With the growth of fitness you will be able to engage more intensively without harmImpact of age, performance and athletic event on injury rates in master athletics - first results from an ongoing prospective study. health, but should start gradually. Keep track of your feelings and do not rush.
Choose a cardio๐โโ๏ธ
- How to learn to swim
- How to run: the technique, breathing frequency steps
- How to make walking to lose weight
Exercises to develop and maintain flexibility
Basic power movement in the full range of motion help to maintain and develop the flexibility, but if you want further pump is a quality, try the special exercise on the development of mobility: on the rollers of stretching and massage commercials.
passive stretching
Perform these exercises at the end of power or as cardio hitch. Hold each position for at least 1-2 minutes. Do not tune into deeds - tension should be moderate, not severe pain.
See more stretching exercises๐งโโ๏ธ
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Reeling in the massage rollers
Unrolling roller increases flexibility and, if fulfill it immediately after training helpsFoam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout of physical activity reduce delayed muscle soreness the next day after strength training. These videos are in almost any fitness club and gym. They can also be purchased at sporting goods stores or on AliExpress.
Put under roller muscle group, a bulk body weight on it and rolled slowly under a.
Work on one surface for two minutes. Avoid exposure to the spine and joints: unroll just muscle.
Find out more๐ง๐ผโโ๏ธ
- How to use a massage roller to make the muscles healthy and supple
Now is the time to do sports. With due perseverance you will rise to a high level and not simply to maintain the health and activity till later years, but also to take part in amateur competitions.
And do not forget the food! To have a good recovery, reduce the risk of injury, lose weight and build muscle, you must consume enough protein, vitamins and minerals.
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