Stretching for cyclists: 4 simple exercises for flexibility
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
During cycling the most involved hips, glutes, calves and hamstrings. Four simple exercises will focus on these parts of the body.
Exercise № 1
This exercise will help stretch medium and large gluteal muscles, Lower back and hip flexors.
Lie on your back, let down your left leg to the right so that the ankle was lying on his thigh just under the knee of the straight leg and knee bent looked away. Then bend the straightened leg, clasp her hands around the thigh under the knee and try to pull up as close to the chest.
A more sophisticated version: straighten your right leg, hold her hands behind the ankle or foot and continue to pull at the same time pushing the left knee of his own. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then repeat the second leg.
Exercise № 2
This exercise helps to work out a large number of muscles in the lower body, including the hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes, quadriceps, calf and soleus muscles. The older we get, the harder it is to perform squatting correctly. Maybe you do not get to do the exercise the first time.
Find something that can be used to support: a chair, a sofa or a railing. Stand with your feet set shoulder width apart and slowly squat until thighs while the back will not touch the calves. At the lowest point look straight ahead to keep a neutral back position. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then rise. Perform two more approach. Gradually bring the residence time in a deep squat up to 4-5 minutes.
This exercise is very good stretches buttock muscles and thighs, making your feet more flexible. Disclosed hip joints, improved stabilization of the pelvis, the body disappears rocking from side to side during pedaling.
Exercise № 3
This exercise is designed for tired hamstrings.
Select the support height to about your waist or just below and put it on her foot. From this position, start slowly bend forward toward the extended leg. The back should be flat and smooth, the pelvis does not expand.
Hold inclination of about 20 seconds and feel the tension in the hamstrings and Femur. Perform three repetitions on each leg. Gradually bring the time in the static 30 seconds.
Exercise № 4
This exercise - an alternative to the previous stretch. Open the door or find a suitable table, lie down on the floor beside him. Raise your right leg so that it is parallel to the doorway or table leg, and place your heel into it. Begin to slowly move forward until, until you feel tension along the back of the thigh. The upper part of the body must be relaxed while lying on the floor.
To increase the tension can be pulled over the foot. Hold this position for 30 seconds and gradually bring it up to one minute. Perform stretches on both legs.
Exercise develops flexibility and hamstring stretches the hamstrings, allowing cyclists to avoid knee pain or back.
All four exercises are fairly simple to perform and does not take much time. Take a few minutes to stretch tired muscles, and your body will thank you no pain and better results.