Facial massage that will make you more beautiful than 7 minutes a day
Health Video / / December 19, 2019
To restore skin elasticity, freshness and even tone, it will take only a few sessions.
How does facial massage
Massage for the face is akin to fitness for the body. It seems nothing special, but if practiced regularly at some point you find that you look more toned, fresh and youthful than peers. It's the same story.
There are lots of types of massage. For example, the treatment helps to cope with acne, enlarged pores and traces of past eruptions. Plastic - restore "floated" facial features, and even create, for example, cheekbones or chin to make more crisp. But this massage is best done by a specialist. Focusing on the condition of the person and the age-related changes, a professional beautician can pick up the equipment, which will be most effective for your skin.
At home, the better to make an anti-aging Japanese Asahi massage and classic massage. These techniques do not require a special skill, it is available to everyone and not time consuming. On the first Layfhaker already I wrote. So today, together with a certified massage therapist Farida Shamsutdinova Let us examine the classics.
Classic massage improves blood circulation (as a consequence - the power of skin cells) and lymph flow, improves skin elasticity, has a tonic effect on muscular frame. The results of this are diverse and enjoyable:
- Improves complexion.
- Smooth fine lines.
- Smoothes skin relief after acne.
- Decreases swelling.
- Slows down skin aging, longer the clear shape of the face (so after 40 years of massage is worth doing every woman).
It can harm facial massage
Yes. Under certain conditions, the procedure may worsen the condition of not only the skin but also the whole organism. Therefore Estheticians give voice to a number of contraindications for massage:
- Infectious or allergic diseases, which are accompanied by a rash: acne, Eczema, dermatitis, herpes, and so on.
- ENT diseases: sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis and others.
- Malignant tumors on his face. Generally, in all processes of tumor in the body must be consulted to conduct massage with watching your doctor (dermatologist, oncologist, endocrinologist).
- Lymphatic disorders, such as inflammation of the lymph nodes.
- Decreased intracranial pressure.
- The increased fragility of blood vessels, because of which frequently occur on the skin bruises and small hemorrhages.
- A lot of moles on his face.
- The skin after deep chemical peels and microdermabrasion professional.
If all of the above - not about you, fine. It remains to deal with the security rules.
Before you begin to massage, understand the basic thesis: all movements must be carried out exclusively by massage lines.
This is extremely important! Otherwise, the results may upset you: instead of the expected to get rid of wrinkles you get new "wrinkles" on the skin.
And further. When aging or skin prone to couperose not allowed Clap and pinch motion: they exacerbate existing problems.
How often do facial massage
For a good result massage should be done at least twice a week. Optimally - every other day. massage course is 6-10 sessions. you can repeat the course in 1-2 months, if necessary.
How to prepare for facial massage
Clean face
Thoroughly wash away makeup and wash with warm water. rasparte skin if desired. For example, for a few minutes, place the person warm wet towel or sit over a basin with hot water. This will improve tissue penetration of nutrients that are contained in your massage cream or oil.
moisten the skin
Massage in any case it is impossible to carry out "dry": it stretches the skin and do not like subcutaneous vessels. Gentle movements strictly on massage lines apply on face nourishing cream favorite (it is suitable to owners dry skin) or oil (for normal to oily skin): olive, sunflower, almond, grape seed, jojoba…
The base oil can be added drop aromatic to your taste. For example, it is believed that the addition of essential oil of cinnamon helps to effectively eliminate swelling, grapefruit or orange - cleans pores, cypress - clarify and improve the complexion, rose - fight wrinkles. As far as these recommendations will be productive in your case, it will show only a personal experience.
In any case, a drop of your favorite essential oil massage turns into a kind of spa treatment - not only useful, but also pleasant.
How to do facial massage
Slightly heat the skin
Massage start from the chin, gradually rising up along massage lines. Movements should be soft and smooth, as if stroking. Give a massage movements for each line of 3-5 seconds. Try not to stretch the skin.
Relax your facial muscles
This can be done by rubbing temples in a circular motion or by drawing the small "eight" fingers. Then about 30 seconds, gently press your right thumb on the point between eyebrows.
Do massage, moving from the center to the periphery
- Place the middle and index fingers of both hands on his forehead in the nose area. Smoothes the skin along the massage lines, moving from the nose to the temples and the hairline.
- Go to the bow: folded index and middle fingers straighten the back of the nose from the bottom up. Make 4-5 movements.
- Put three fingers of both hands on the wings of the nose and symmetrical movements smooths the skin to the periphery. Suffice it to 4-5 movements. Then, while continuing to smooth the skin in the same direction and on the massage lines, come down from the tips of the wings of the nose through the mouth to the chin. And once again rise to the nose.
- Bend your fingers and knuckles of the upper index and middle pound symmetrical face in a circular motion. Reminder: do not stretch the skin!
- Repeat the movement of the item. 3.
- Relax your cheeks by pushing the fingers on the hot spots near the lobes.
- Continue massage by repeating the movement of the item. 3 and gradually moving up from chin to forehead.
- Perform neck massage: soft fingers stroking movements from the bottom up, from the collarbone to the chin.
- Finish the massage with light patting movements of fingers on the skin of the face. Keep an eye on massage lines!
Clean the face of the remnants of the cream or butter
This can be done with cotton pad again still moving along the massage lines. All beauty procedure is completed. It remains only to put his beloved's Skin Care if necessary.
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