The modern traveler sent to the campaign, Armed to the teeth with appliances: smart phone, a navigator, a portable charger, camera - probably, it is not a complete list of travel gadgets. But as they say, hope for the technology, and those who help themselves: knowledge the basics of survival In the wild yet no one interfered. So today we want to tell you and to show how to use available tools to make a compass.
So, you will need: water tank, a needle and a piece of any floating material (foam, sponge, cork, or a simple sheet, as in our case).
Next steps are simple. Take container and pour it into water. We reach then the needle is magnetized and one end of it: a magnet can be used for this purpose, and in his absence - the fabric or even their own hair. Now magnetized needle set on a piece of floating material and drop into the container with water. After a while our needle-arrow cease to fluctuate, and it will indicate the magnetized side from south to north.
Here's how it looks like in practice:
Now you should be able to navigate in unfamiliar terrain, because make a compass there is no trouble.
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