How to humidifier
Do It Yourself Health / / December 19, 2019
In winter, when the cold weather outside, and buildings in full force working a variety of heating appliances, indoor air becomes very dry. It takes away the moisture, not only from the human body (which affects the condition of the skin and hair), but also from the surrounding objects made of hygroscopic materials that are also harmful to human health and the state of these objects. Also, due to the smaller amount of oxygen in dry air headache and increases the risk of catching a cold or flu.
All in all, a pleasant enough in the dry air, and is particularly well know about this mother of small children, as the costs Only the child to appear in the house, after it appears cooker, yogurt, humidifier and ionizer air. And from the stories of doctors about what threatens your child too dry air in the apartment, you can collect the whole book. Frankly, I myself wanted to buy a humidifier when in our family appeared completion. And not so much because of the dry air, but because of the presence in the house fluffy cat: thanks to the humidifier wool and the dust does not fly around the apartment, and settles on the floor or furniture, so clean it all becomes much simpler. So I wanted more and cleaner water. :) But the man, as befits a true layfhakeru and a man who can not tolerate in the house of clutter things said, in order not to invent and grandmother coping methods. "Grandma's method" - a bowl of water on the battery, which, unfortunately, is not very convenient, but, given the cat and the baby, who shoved around their curious noses, and even difficult to implement.
And just a few days ago, one of Layfhakera readers Andrey Solovyev, life hacking sent us on how to make a humidifier. If I saw it 5 years ago, I would not have to suffer with bowls and batteries.
In order to make a humidifier, you will need a plastic bottle, stationery knife or scissors, gauze, water and, of course, the battery.
- The side of the plastic bottle to cut a hole size of about 5h10sm.
- Suspend its opening facing up on a horizontal pipe battery using the ribbon of fabric.
- Ribbon secured to the bottle with tape, so that it was not lost.
- Gauze folded in several layers in the form of a rectangle of width 10 cm and length of about one meter.
- The slit bottles lower one end of the wick, and the remainder to the hot wind tube battery. It is better to make two of the wick.
- Pour into water bottle (e.g., using another bottle).
The device has been successfully installed and ready for use.
Maintenance consists of periodically adding water. Adjust the intensity of moisture can, raising and lowering unit.
Make sure the wick is never hanging below the water level, otherwise the water will begin to drip onto the floor.