10 rituals and conspiracies on all occasions
Do It Yourself Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
Conspiracy luck
Luck do such a thing, which can not be touched or measured. Even winning the lottery raises questions. What if it was possible to win more? And how much has been spent on the tickets? But when this same luck there, once everything is clear: a black band is hard to miss.
Simple plot does not hold good luck: she was too unstable. Therefore it is necessary to use rituals and symbolic objects.
Carry out the ritual needed to the growing moon (as luck should come as the moon) in loose clothing without buttons, belts and locks, and better and without clothes.
Zoe Arkadyevna magician and parapsychologist
Take a saucer or plate, pour on it three spoonfuls of salt to give a slide. On top of salt, pour three spoons of sugar, making the hill above. Carefully, so as not to break up the salt and sugar, pour three tablespoons of rice. Take a pin, open it and insert the tip into the middle of the hill.
Read the plot: "Wilco is my great desire to help the spirit of the universe, because the universe helps, who asks for help. Help will come mysterious ways, and my dream into reality incarnate, the events will find the road to peace, and the universe will give me something, what I ask. Luck will fall on the hook. "
Drop a pin on the hill at night, then laid up on the inside of the garment.
Conspiracy to money
Sometimes it happens that urgently need money, but they did not take one. Do not despair, this plot will help only a few days to improve your financial situation. The results appear faster if you read the plot on the growing moon.
Retire to the room, put on the table in a series of five church candles and light them.
Staring into the flames, think about how much you want to get and what are going to spend it.
Mother Ruzanna, on the fate of modeler
Then say the conspiracy: "The magic words I say, the candles start talking and that the required amount of money to his allure. As water pours from the sky and the seas is going, so let the money in my purse recruited. Like grains of sand in the desert are not counted, so let my wealth does not count. When the money I have to forget about poverty. The gold and silver bathe, poverty does not occur. Amen".
The plot of drunkenness
Convince the alcoholic that he is ill and in need of treatment, - a hopeless case.
If the husband abuses alcohol and shrugs off any offers of assistance, this ritual will help improve the situation in just 13 days.
Galina Fedorovna, church practices magic
Go to the Orthodox church, and buy there 12 candles. Leaving the church, say the following words: "How to live in the cold cold, and ill from drinking would be my husband! Amen".
Then purchase a bottle of an alcoholic beverage, which prefers your spouse. Houses up close in the room, light all 12 candles and put in front of a bottle. Maximum clearly imagine how to change your life without alcohol: husband stops guzzle all the money in the house of peace and harmony reigns.
Repeatedly read the plot on the bottle until the candles burn down, "As the candle burns and melts, and so drinking sob. Husband to hell no matter, flap over him. Let a sip of his stir up, everything inside turns mercilessly. It will be vomiting, dislike and fear of the potion. Lapel, I send to the booze and the noisy outdoor party. Gradually, he will throw to drink more potions asks. That bottle, that is worth more to drink will not allow it! Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen".
candle stubs should be discarded, and a bottle to give her husband - let him drink. If in the next 13 days, does not appear any positive result, the ritual should be repeated.
Conspiracy to weight loss
The fight against obesity requires a fair amount of willpower, patience and time.
Anyone who wants to lose weight as quickly as possible, without giving up the pleasures of life, the rescue effective conspiracy quick results. Read it before going to bed a glass of water at a time when the moon is waning.
Raisa, Bioenergy Specialist
"Help me, God bless, God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan bed stands on the bed duvets, and on it is a pig, my fat guards. Pig heads of three of the five heads of the seven heads of the nine heads with ten mouths.
Eat my fat one head, the second head eat my fat, eat a third head of my fat, eat my fourth head fat, eat pyatoyu head my fat, eat six goals my fat, eat the seventh head of my fat, eat eight head my fat. Ninth head all the fat my dozhrot, all my fat itself will take. Key lock, language. As said, so true. Amen".
After reading the water to drink.
Conspiracy to work
When going for an important job interview, you need to charm and good luck ahead of the competition. Both are done using the simple charms and rituals.
Zinaida prophetess, a connoisseur of Slavic magic
Cook at midnight in the holy water fish (12 fish exactly to put in water). When the water boils, the steam nashepchite on: "Fish neprikosliva my fish, my silent, the mouth is not disclosed, words can not rechosh and my enemies, and they did not open his mouth, the words do not rush. There was failure to me, servant of God (name) or Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday. Hell, the devil, currently my care. Got you the black night, you got a white day, got red dawn. Enemies from behind, in front of me. Amen".
This fish should be put to the intersection and left there, and the water to water the tree.
The next day, you need to read three times at the front door: "I'm going to the boyars, not to plow freely go in a row, the owner of the fancy. All to be touched me, gently smiling hosts, well paid, well fed fed, not abused and beaten in vain. Lord God - my King, my supreme sovereign. "
Work in your hands.
The plot Water Beauty
That the skin was clean and young, need to practice washing zagovoronnoy water. It is best to cast spells on the Epiphany water, but if it does not, then thawed (at the very least make it on their own ice in the freezer).
Take a bowl of water, put it over any icon of the Mother of God. Light the candles and three red kuritelnitsu or aroma lamp from the bark of oak and eucalyptus leaves. These herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Ms Natalia, Enchantress
Say the plot: "Arrow of Heaven make an amazing miracle, and regulation of return to the origins of my strength in life, and light bodily joy comes from the boom so strong that the skin and earthly corruption will no longer plague the body I think. When I summon Arrow heavenly and pure body anxiety forget. Only the Lord Arrow power of this very direct can and I ask Him not ignore me help a great and grateful (grateful) His power, carrying my blessing. Amen".
Conspiracy to love
Fate sometimes frustratingly unfair: someone no rebound on the Cavaliers, and many beautiful and smart girl for years vainly waiting for his happiness. Stop waiting, it's time to take matters into their own hands.
On Wednesday or Friday buy on the market a broom and yellow (this is important!) Scoop delivery from the seller do not take. In the near future the new moon broom sweep this whole staircase, collecting trash in the scoop.
Soothsayer Bazarhanda
Read in the plot: "I drive I'm in his house fellows, not lazy, not hoarders, not thieves. Come to me, grooms, of their own and other people's yards. My word hard, my business Lepko! Amen. Amen. Amen".
Pour the collected garbage in a cloth bag and safely hide in his room. The next new moon bury it in the ground in a vacant lot or other location where people rarely go.
Conspiracy pregnancy
To such an intimate process was a success, you need to create the right conditions. Bring the room to the plot as much as living plants can be: they nourish vital energy words. Text to learn in advance, so as not to sight-read: the words should come from the heart, if you are talking to a child.
This child need to be of the more detailed, the better. You can even add a few words in a conspiracy against yourself, if you feel that they beg on the tongue.
Tamara Petrovna, Magus of the taiga monastery
Month clear! Help quench the pain,
The womb of my stuff!
Will have a month to grow at night,
Will the child grow in me.
Will have a month to gain weight, I will grow round.
As the full moon will be full of little child.
Will my little child a month - clear as the moon - beautiful.
As the new month the people, and my little baby will be born.
The plot for sale apartment
To quickly and profitably sell an apartment or other property, you need to perform the ritual of farewell to the house.
Make spring cleaning, wash the corners with salt. Then go around the entire apartment from the entrance in a clockwise direction with a lighted candle in her hand, three of the candle cross over each corner. So you destroy the negative energy and its attachment to the house.
Anfisa Stepanovna tarolog master higher magic
Pick up a fir needles on the number of corners (required spruce, pine or fir are not suitable). Then sit on the threshold, read the plot: "Thanks to this house. As the blacksmith forge necessary, plowman - plow, merchant - trade, the priest - for honest people to pray, and I - to go to church be baptized, and the buyer good, rich and generous to my house to come and settle in it for him settle. "
Put in every corner of the needle and wait for buyers.
The plot of cockroaches
Tired lay around the house and chase bait with dichlorvos for each representative mustachioed tribe? Try this conspiracy. He will once and for all get rid of the insects.
Paper and thread make a small (about 5 cm in length) stuffed cockroach. Put it on the table and beat newspaper, nine times repeated: "Beau-Kolocha cockroach race from my house I drive over the threshold! Paws their yes will shrink, and the mustache and did wither. As one okoleyut my words they will overcome. Let it be so in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".
Repeat the ritual for nine days, then bury the effigy to the ground, saying: "Here's your coffin, cockroach race."
Grandmother Olympics battlemage
And you use spells or magical rituals? Share in the comments of those that really work.