As of any coin to make a ring
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
The rings are different: the gold and silver, expensive and not very much. But what could be more romantic ring, made with his own hands? And I'm not suggesting that you take as a material of the wire or wire scrap. No, it's too corny. The ring of the coin is much more interesting! This short guide will tell and will graphically show how to make a ring from virtually any coin.
1. Take any coin that you liked. It is best to take something like a 2-ruble coin.
2. First you need to make a hole in the coin, which will take place exactly in the center. Take a small plank and drill a hole in it.
3. Over the hole in a board to put coins and drill right through it. Make sure the hole in the coin is located exactly in the center.
4. Heat the ring, so it will be easier to work with.
5. The coin should look like.
6. Don preform rings on any metallic rod, and begin to take hammer to strike the coin.
7. This is the most difficult and tedious part of the job. You may need to spoil a few rings to bring the technique to perfection.
8. After some time, you should get something like this.
9. Continue to heat the workpiece and pounding it with a hammer until you get a firm and sturdy ring. In the photo the upper edge of the ring for almost polished.
10. Second time-consuming part of the work - polishing rings while retaining all the finest detail.
11. Done!