Making the correct execution of its Twitter
Do It Yourself Web Services / / December 19, 2019
There is nothing more strange for the Twitter user as a standard avatar and the standard design of a personal account. Why not use this opportunity to increase sympathy for your potential followers?
Used to work with graphics can be paid as a photoshop, and free editors like GIMP or online Picnik or Aviary's Phoenix.
Requires pattern size must not exceed 800Kb. Main information area, where there is to put your photos and other information to the left - do not do it more than 200 pixels. This is because the width of the ribbon tweeter information 760 pixels: 760 + 200 = 860 - so you have tried for the poor fellows who have a screen resolution of 1024 × 768. They will see and your information on the left and read Twitter feed.
Further, after the 200 pixel block, you can draw any kind of abstraction, but just remember that if the user high resolution monitor 1680h... or 1920..., the browser will multiply your background and you will appear again on the right with your information. Because make image width of at least 1680 pixels.
Below we offer you a beautiful examples of successful registration of personal twitters: