GTD can be done with the old tools
Do It Yourself Productivity / / December 19, 2019
We often talk about all sorts of tools to help you not to drown in a sea of problems and do everything quickly and efficiently. But not always we can install all the tools in all workplaces. And despite the fact that not always and the need to install anything, should probably think about how best to use what you already have.
If you are working in the software industry, then you are probably faced with a bug-tracking system. Modern systems, in my opinion have a powerful ability to adjust to the different needs that they can recommend a much broader and not limited to the area of software development. But even if you personally can neither set up nor the impact on those who depend on the configuration, then you almost certainly can create your own personal bar GTD in such a system.
I'll give you an example based on JIRA, All kinds of well-known control system requests. In it, you can modify your personal portal by adding tabs and a variety of portlets.
In this case, we are interested in this:
To use it, you have to first think about the system which records should fall into certain categories.
For example, for me to Inbox should get all new establishments or rediscovered recording owned projects, regardless of whom they are intended. The Next Items will be open records intended it to me, and in the Someday / Maybe - pending low-priority is not open records that are assigned to me. You probably get the idea. Here's how it looks at me:
The introduction of systems like GTD in organizations, despite their seemingly personal nature, I think it is very useful phenomenon improves the overall performance of the whole team.