How to cook Limoncello - Italian lemon liqueur
Tips Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
Limoncello (Limoncello) - a popular Italian liqueur that is there in almost any Italian bar. There can often be seen as a waiter from the refrigerator frozen, covered with frost on a bottle with lemons label and small high piles from the freezer, and then pours a thick yellow liquid with exquisite taste.
Limoncello can be found in our country, but few people know that the people of Southern Italy like to prepare this drink at home. This is no big deal, and how to do it now learn.
To prepare a Limoncello party takes 10-15 days, so first of all, you need patience.
We need only 4 ingredients:
Lemons 6-10sht, depending on their size.
Ethyl alcohol (wine) of food 96% - 500ml.
Sugar - 500 gr.
Water - 650 ml.
Need some kitchen accessories:
Knife for cleaning vegetables - 1 pc.
A small saucepan on 3 l - 1 piece.
Sieve of a metal net - 1 pc.
Measuring cup - 1 pc.
Glass is well-closing bank 1 L - 1 pc.
Funnel - 1pc.
The empty bottle with a twist, a total volume of 1.5 L
First you need to thoroughly wash and dry the lemons. Then, using a knife to clean the vegetables, cut them with a zest in the prepared jar. Ordinary knife is not suitable, it is important to cut off only the top layer of skin yellow lemons, t. To. That it contains essential oils that give the flavor and aroma of the drink.
The number of lemons is sized so that you have got 120-150 gr. peel.
Peel pour 500 ml. alcohol and a tight-fitting lid. Be very cautious and careful with alcohol, it is flammable!
On the bank write the date, not to forget, and leave in a cool dark place, shaking every day.
Through 5..10 days, depending on your exposure, you need to cook the sugar syrup. For this purpose dimensional cup (you can weights) Measure out 500 c. sugar and pour into the pan.
Then, measure out 650 ml. water, pour the sugar and put on a small fire on the stove.
The syrup was slowly stir with a spoon until the sugar is dissolved, and then remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
Next, open a jar with a good finished infusion and filter through a sieve.
After that, in order not to give the alcohol to evaporate, pour the strained infusion into the syrup, mix well.
Bottles with the help of the funnel and leave to infuse for another 5 days.
After 5 days, the finished beverage can be placed in the freezer. About a day to cool down to the desired temperature.
Fortress of the produced beverage is about 40% so be careful in its use!