How to learn to juggle?
Tips Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
I always wanted to learn how to juggle. Basically, in order to surprise friends at a party. As I recently learned, has more juggling several useful properties, in addition, that brings joy to you and others.
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Here are the features:
1. Juggling supports you in good physical shape.
2. Juggling - a great way to relieve stress with the eyes.
3. Juggling - a great way to overcome stress.
4. Juggling activates the interaction of both hemispheres of the brain that stimulates the creative process.
All this I learned online, Which is an excellent primer on juggling.
The site several sections, from which you can learn about what the first movement must learn to do as to make the ball, learn about special zhonglorskih terms and read interesting stories and articles on this theme.
Simple animated gifs is very accessible explain the techniques of throws and catching the ball.
So I start learning juggling! Who has tried to learn or is in the process of learning, sharing their achievements and secrets!