Turn your old monitor into a TV
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
I need a TV, but there is only an old monitor? Or you want to save money on buying a TV in the kitchen, in the car or garage? We know how to help you in these situations.
In classical Russian flat TV - the head of everything. Usually it is installed in each room. Generally, once the screen never hurts, especially if it is already there in the form of an old LCD monitor.
Ways to use the monitor as a TV a lot. You can purchase a set-top box, for example, the Roku. It is possible to increase the budget slightly and connect it to an old friend of the mini-computer, for example Raspberry Pi. But there is a more radical method, similar to the conversion boom box to your mp3-player.
Nearly all LCD monitors have input-output interface called LVDS. If you remove the cover from the monitor and get to the guts, you can see that the connectors are located on a separate board. Any other stuffing joined this board is quite flexible cable, similar to the IDE for the hard drives.
To modernize the monitor will need to purchase an expansion card for this interface has a built-in decoder video. Similar devices can be purchased, for example, here or here. Decoder and its output will allow playback of analog (as in the case of more advanced payment - and digital) TV directly, without the use of a variety of consoles and even the PC.
TTC board:
- Frequency Range - 48,25-863,25 MHz.
- Color System - PAL / SECAM / NTSC.
- Sound System - B / G, D / K, l, M / N, NICAM / A2, BTSC.
- Number of channels - 200.
- Teletext - 10 pages (chip 39 - page 10, the chip 59 - 1,000 pages).
- The input video signal format (VGA, HDMI) - up to 1920 × 1080 @ 60 Hz.
- Supported video resolution - 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p.
- Output power audio amplifier - 2 × 2,3 W (40) 1 HD + N <10% @ 1 KHz.
- Supply voltage - 12 V.
Input Connectors:
- Meals - 12 V.
- Input VGA.
- Input HDMI.
- Input for composite video and stereo audio.
- audio input when using the TV as a computer monitor.
- Headphone output.
- Login USB (for firmware updates).
- Input for antenna or cable.
Actually, the easiest way on this and ends: the acquired card and monitor are in service repair audiovideotehniki. Some time after the payment of a small amount on your hands you have a new TV. It remains only to install it and connect the antenna or cable TV wire.
Slightly more complex path independent installation is described in detail in the resource colleague Mysku.ru. Let us consider it briefly.
- The first thing you need to remove the back cover of the monitor.
- Find the necessary expansion card and remove it - unplug from the plume. Attention! Necessary to carry out the dismantling with maximum accuracy: loop may not work even from unsuccessful inflection.
- At the same time, you can pinpoint marking matrix and find the firmware on it as well as to determine the supply voltage.
- Then you need to connect the new board. There are two options: you can order from the Chinese suitable loop or solder. The second process is long, tedious, but having a soldering iron, nothing is impossible. It is cheaper and faster. Pinout, unfortunately, need to look at each specific model.
- After the need to decide on the modifications of the housing. New, due to the presence on its built-in decoder of analog and / or digital television will OVERALL previous. In addition, it will have to make additional holes in the hull to bring new connectors.
- After installation is necessary to determine the voltage to be supplied to the matrix board, and install it using the jumper (see instructions in bought devaysu).
- Power board receives from the external power supply. It takes 12 - that is the voltage necessary for the operation of filling the monitor. So if you want you can be powered from the board and get rid of clutter.
- Plata, acquired for modernization, often it has a complete receiver of infrared radiation (or the possibility of a complete set) and remote control. In the cheapest models will have to take care of the output of the receiver on the front panel of the device, or even go beyond them to the nearest store. To the board more expensive receiver can be connected via an external port, as it was implemented in older PCI TV tuner. This option does not require additional cutouts and can be placed anywhere.
- After installation, you can turn on the TV and spend the newfound setup in accordance with the instructions. If the Chinese suddenly send instruction in their native language, it is necessary to turn to Runet. The benefit of all the major models of such devices have often been considered on its open spaces.
- Use!
Despite the possible problems with the installation and configuration similar to the modernization of the monitor is fully justified. Many people have old unclaimed 17- and 19-inch device. Price of such devices in the secondary market is quite low, and the image quality is often better than a new TV. It turns out the perfect TV for the kitchen, a small room or a villa for a minimum price - from $ 15 to $ 60 depending on the configuration and functionality.