5 common mistakes novice grower
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
Home colors - a great companion and a great way to bring comfort to any room. But what if all your attempts to start another green end of his funeral? Do not despair! Even experienced growers sometimes lose part of its collection of rather banal reasons.
Improper size of the pot
Different colors require different pots, in both form and size. Not appreciating the root system of the plant, it is very difficult to immediately pick up a good pot. This is especially true of Dutch flowers, imported to pure peat.
Clean off the turf from the roots must! It does not matter if this part of the roots will be damaged. Try to keep at least the largest.
Purification may be that very little or roots that survived a small cloth in a pot under a layer of peat bag in which caring Dutch once resettled rooted plant in a large pot (to remove a must!).
The new pot is selected primarily on the basis of the size of the root system. Whatever may be the thick crown if the root is small, need a small pot. Otherwise, after watering the earth will turn sour, and the probability of decay of the roots. If you have a young plant with a small root system, you may have to repot it a couple of times a year. Rooted cuttings and the "kids" are generally better to put in a plastic cup to see the roots of development. Glass, in turn, can be put in a tidy pot.
Bad choice of place
Some plants need for a comfortable life a little more or less sunlight. If your windows face the south or the north side, is to choose sun-loving or shade tolerance respectively. Or at least move the existing little further or a little closer to the window.
Signs of excess light:
- Faded leaves.
- Brown or gray spots from burns.
- day leaves droop.
- Shade-leaves of plants shrivel and die.
Signs of lack of light:
- Leaves of smaller size and paler than usual.
- Lack of growth or elongated in the direction of the light source with very long stems internodes.
- Variegated leaves are green.
- Small flowers or lack of flowering species.
- Lower leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off.
Wrong watering regime
Among the amateur gardeners is very common expression "for Any plant." Usually it refers to the excessive concern, expressed in bringing flower to root rot frequent waterings. "Bay" plant damaging, even more than peresushka, and really quite bad, if you could, first to dry the plant, and then - when you try to save him - pour.
At least in the initial period after the acquisition of a flower do not be lazy before watering finger to dig the ground for a couple of centimeters, to be sure, that the earth is dry. Lift the pot and weigh in your hand - very soon you will learn to identify the need for watering of pot weight.
Symptoms of overflow:
- Blackened, withered leaves.
- Discoloration of the leaves.
- Blackening shoots.
- Damp earth with a sour smell.
- Softening of the barrel.
Signs peresushki:
- Yellowed dry leaves.
- Lower leaves are falling.
- Withering green shoots.
- Hard, dry ground. Peresushke peat soils at reduced in volume and behind the pot walls.
Depending on the plant species, its size, the size of the pot in the room and temperature you may need to water the plant every other day or once a week. Succulent plants, cacti for example, in winter you can (and should!) Do not water for two or three weeks. Review the recommendations for your flowers and often pay attention to them, if the room is too hot or cold.
Purchase of "children" instead of adult plants
Perhaps the only case in which it is advisable to purchase a tiny stalk with two leaves - if it stalk of a very rare plant, buy that as an adult you simply have no place or not pocket. In other cases it is better instead of three tiny scraps to buy a large bush, and not wait until, finally, the plant will be the way you saw it in a store or on the pictures on the Internet.
Maybe one or two cups of cuttings in the jungle on the windowsill invisible, but a whole battery youngs, torn on the principle of "Oh, this, too, want to have to nip off", it looks very sadly.
Pleasing to the eye with lush greenery, such plants can not earlier than one year, if you are quite skilled florist.
A large number of frail, bald, small flowers, sooner or later begin to annoy everyone who lives with them in the same room. It is possible that one day, forgetting, you will find that your cutting penultimate lost three leaves, and send it to the trash to just do not get irritated, while the adult plant, even after losing half of the foliage, can look pretty well and quickly recover.
Buying flowers that you do not like
Once you have decided what would be nice to have some kind of plant. Experience you have little, you are forgetful and are afraid that not cope with the departure. Somehow, in this situation, many go out and buy a cactus. Heard something about that cactus absorbs harmful radiation from the monitor and is very hardy.
You buy a green thorn stuck to the top of dried flowers or plastic eyes for jokes, put it at the monitor and start to wonder how quickly this miracle will die.
If you purchased the plant, which, in principle, you do not pretty, but is able to maintain the longest presentation (try not to save, when to top flower glued!), very soon you will simply cease to notice it, or will be used to drain the remnants of a cup of tea (please Stop!).
The world of house plants varied, and you can choose something beautifulCapable of withstanding and your forgetfulness and your inexperience. The plant should please you, so you want to take care of him!
Despite the abundance of information, care of flowers is not so difficult if you approach this case with interest shares. Soon you will learn to understand the needs of their pets, and most importantly, your flowers, too, you adapt.