15 ways to save time wasted at corporate
Holidays / / December 19, 2019
How often do you feel in the morning, that the annual large corporate was just a waste of time (and health)? Here are a few ways to spend it so that was not painfully ashamed of the useless time spent.
There are companies, corporate meetings which resemble friends or relatives, but, unfortunately, it happens everywhere. If company employees relate to each other is cool enough or on a large corporate party meets several companies from the office center, the holiday may not seem too cheerful.
Indeed, there is little fun to dress in festive clothes uncomfortable and awkward conversations lead just because you kind of have to do it.
But there is a way to stop taking korportivnye party as a loss of time. To make it interesting to attend a corporate party, you want to see in it some value for himself, as if you were at a conference or other event undoubtedly useful.
To find in it something useful, going to a party, think of yourself a few goals. Not global goals, and some small, that can pump your social skills, to make life more interesting and can help just a little fun.
Try to choose three or five items from this list. Perform tasks, and you can with a clear conscience to admit that the evening was a success.
- Thank colleagues for what they have helped you with the last project. You can even raise a glass for the excellent work they have done and for his invaluable contribution to the common cause.
- Say hello to the three people who had never seen.
- Talk to the person with whom you have long wanted to have a coffee and invite him somehow do it.
- Learn some facts about familiar people who will make you love them even more.
- If you do not know what to give to some picky relative or friend - ask for advice from anyone. You might - just settle very valuable ideas.
- Do something that is not typical for you, for example, sing karaoke or dance to, if you have never done this.
- Ask someone to make a general photo of you and all your staff in festive attire. The next year it will be possible to use this photo as a postcard, and if someone quit - give a souvenir.
- Learn restaurant that really worth a visit, books that can be read, movies, and any other useful information that can be caught from a motley crowd of celebrants.
- Collect information for the blog, if you blog, and if not, ask for a better sign.
- Tell the news of someone's achievements at least three people. Try to choose a man who never bragged, and tell it about its merits.
- Talk to the man whom you often meet in the common room or kitchen in the office, but I have never talked to him.
- Practice your monologue about what you are doing in life. If at corporate will be a lot of strangers, you will have a great opportunity to hone your speech well enough to talk about themselves without hesitation and words of parasites.
- Praise the organizers of the festival for about what he most worried.
- Find a new drink or a snack for yourself that you've never tried, but it turned out that this is wildly delicious.
- Save someone from an uncomfortable or unpleasant conversation companion. At your next party, this person can do the same for you.
So, keeping in stock a few goals from the list or create something of their own, you will not accept corporate just like meeting people, but as a chain of quests useful by doing that, you get some advantages.