Recipes kuti in the Holy Night: wheat, rice, etc
Holidays / / December 19, 2019
Today the Holy Supper, which means that many will gather tonight at the family table. On the table should be 12 dishes, among which the most important - kutya. recipe kuti very simple. Previously it was thought that the richer kutya, the richer the harvest will be in the new year. Kutya is different: wheat, rice, barley, and with different fillings. Grain - a symbol of the resurrected life, honey - the symbol of the sweet life and prosperous life, poppy symbolizes wealth. In this post we have collected different recipes kuti for every taste. Let's start with the traditional wheat scullery.
Wheat kutya with nuts and raisins
Ingredients 1 cup wheat, 4 cups of water, 70 g of poppy 70g chopped nuts, raisins 1/4 cup, honey taste (2-4 v. spoons), boiled water for dilution of honey.
Kutya should not be stored for a long time, since the honey can ferment. If you plan to have kutyu immediately, store it without honey, and honey, add just before serving.
1. At the market you can buy already prepared wheat that cooks faster than the untreated. Prepare yourself and it can be. Loop through wheat, wash them and dry in a warm but not hot oven. When wheat dries, lightly sprinkle with water, put in a linen bag or mortar and pushing Makogon until grains not obluschatsya shell. Again, rinse the wheat and soak overnight in cold water.
2. The following day the wheat simmer over a low heat for 3 hours and periodically stirring and adding water if necessary. Wheat can be shifted into the pot and simmer in the oven, pouring water.
3. While boiled wheat, poppy pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then drain the water, add a little sugar and poppy-hot mash in a mortar and pestle or electric mixer with paddle-knife. Rub the poppy. Ready poppy
4. Raisins wash, fill with boiling water for 20 minutes to raisins swollen, then drain the water.
5. Honey slightly dilute with boiled water.
6. Mix the cooked wheat, crushed poppy seeds, raisins, nuts and honey is diluted. Mix kutyu.
rice kutya
Ingredients 1 cup of rice, 100 g of poppy, 100 g of walnut kernels, 1-3 tablespoons of honey, Sugar taste.
Sometimes kutyu prepared from rice, but the rice should be prepared separately.
Cup of rice to fill one and a half cups of boiling water, tightly cover the pan with a lid and cook rice for three minutes on high heat, six - on average, three - on the small.
Twelve minutes do not open the lid, letting it brew for a couple of rice.
The ratio of all other components is maintained for scullery.
Kutya with suhofrutkami and raspberries
Ingredients: 2 cups of whole grains of wheat or rice; half cup or one-third (to taste) honey; Dried apples and pears can also get to taste; raisins and (or) dried raspberries quarter cup.
Wash and sort out the wheat, boil 4 cups of water, add to the wheat and cook for 25 minutes. Add salt, apples and raspberries. After 5-7 minutes - raisins. All cook for another two minutes. In the chilled mass add honey. All leave for 1-2 hours.