I'm not a big fan of social networks, it is very largely in agreement with the opinion of our editor in chief expressed in this article. Nevertheless, for the sake of the music player I enrolled in Vkontakte and for a second it has not regretted. We have already talked about the version Meridian for WindowsAnd today we want to introduce you to its implementation for Android.
Android Application available every day and music players as well. So what's different from other Meridian, let's deal. Music player Meridian - a player the tracks stored in the social network Vkontakte. Since all tracks are stored online, it imposes certain requirements on the quality of the network connection of your device. But in return you get unlimited access to a rich musical base, not having, perhaps, unmatched in the network. Maybe my taste in music too commonplace, but I have not yet managed to puzzle Meridian impossible request.
Android-version of Meridian includes the following functions:
- Music and Albums FaceBook.
- Audio recordings from the wall and out of the news.
- Audio recordings of friends and communities.
- search audio by artist, genre, mood, album.
- Convenient context menu with the ability to track search.
- Adding liked the track in your playlist.
- Srobling to Last. FM.
- Biographies of artists.
- Show all albums artist.
- Finding the best tracks artist.
- Search for similar artists.
- Sending a wall of albums and best tracks.
- Sending the walls communities and friends.
- And much more…
Despite the fact that this is a preliminary version of the application, it leads itself is absolutely stable and available functionality allows safe to say that in front of us one of the best music apps Android. Unequivocal «must have» for any music lover.