7 reasons to listen to music on vinyl
Music / / December 19, 2019
1. Vinyl record possess unique sounding
The same warm sound, which they say vinyl lovers, due to several objective reasons.
Firstly, the vinyl has an analog sound. When recording a sound wave plate goes a long way, the end of which it is punched into a vinyl grooves. What we hear can be seen under a microscope.
All that we are accustomed to hear today, whether it be radio, music strimingovom service or MP3-music library - this is the sound waves extracted from the digital code. Figure more accurately conveys what has been written. The breadth of the frequency range it has no equal, but this is not so simple.
employee magazine Wired Eliot Van BuskirkNo matter how much high sampling rate. All information provided by the analog recording, encode impossible.
If we try to portray the difference technology in the chart, we see that the original analog signal It consists of a continuous number of points folding in one straight line, and digital - to coordinate chart. The amount of these coordinates depends on the sampling frequency: the higher it is, the better the sound.
A further feature of the vinyl sound - the impact of the work on the mechanics of reproduction. Fluctuations in the height of the needle and the detonation of the working motor create extra vibration. Vinyl lovers argue that this is the effect of "animates" the player, making it sound unique.
It is important to understand that the transition to vinyl in terms of sound - it is not a step back. Rather, in a way. In analog sound has its own peculiarities, which will be an advantage for some people.
2. Passion for vinyl gives aesthetic pleasure
Fascinated vinyl people collect everything that can be useful: players, accessories and, of course, records. They cherish phones and rub them against dust, wash the plate, changing the needle, carried upgrade and preventive repair devices. It is unlikely that they would have done this in the era of streaming, if the care of your player and music library does not bring them pleasure.
Needless to listen to music, too, it becomes a ritual. Unpacking the envelope and monitoring of faceplates in a circular motion to the plate where the fun couple of clicks or tapov on the screen.
3. Issued on vinyl almost all significant releases
Vinyl sales growing rapidly over the last few years. Almost any significant foreign releases can be found on the plate. Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Adam Lambert, Kendrick Lamar - one of thousands of musicians whose albums out on vinyl in the day the world premiere. In addition, the vinyl version is often accompanied by additional exclusives in the design and in the playlist. As an example, let collector Box Set from the soundtrack to the seventh episode of "Star Wars" with a multi-page booklet and a hologram on a plate.
About ten years ago, the former frontman of The White Stripes Jack White founded the record label Third Man Records, which specializes in the publication of music on vinyl. Studio experiments: making flavored plate, the liquid plate or inside with dried rose petals. In the same building is the concert hall, where you can record a performance and on the same day to forge a first printing plates. This suggests that the culture of vinyl is not stagnant. It is experiencing a new flourishing and developing. Vinyl is really in fashion and seems to have will not go anywhere.
Carried away with vinyl but do not like new music? Still easier. Releases Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Michael Jackson and other classics are often reprinted, find your favorite albums on sale easily.
Buy vinyl records
4. Passion for vinyl - a way to stand out and be a trend
According toNews and Notes on 2017 RIAA Revenue Statistics. RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), the proceeds from sales of physical media for the first time exceeded the revenue from music purchases since 2011 on the Internet. CD and records in the past year brought the publishers more money than shopping at iTunes, Google Play and other digital platforms.
Of course, it was not only because of the vinyl. The first played the role strimingovye services, which are much more economical than direct purchases. Secondly, the significant share of the physical media sales account for CD sales. But the report says the RIAA that CD sales fell compared to 6% last year, and vinyl's popularity has grown by 10%. Income from records reached 395 million dollars.
These data indicate the same thing: for the first time since the 80's vinyl again relevant, and the most progressive way to listen to music - listen to it on the plates.
Demand for the players and the world records is growing, but we have people with this hobby is not very much. If you want to keep up with the times, to stand out and find new and interesting to do, try vinyl. Photographers, bloggers and movie fans already full.
If there is a new record, then there are new turntables. Unfortunately, that offers the mass market, and it is cheap plastic devices all-inclusive with a built-in phono preamp and speakers, will not do.
If you decide to buy a good player, you have two choices: find a worthy device b / y, or draw attention to a new high-quality equipment. The first way is fraught with many pitfalls - from a lack of spare parts and the lack of official services to risk purchase b / a player who was killed in the state. I had to study the question: some hidden defects is really hard to detect without specialist.
A great option for those who are only acquainted with vinyl, and those who want to upgrade their system - players Pro-Ject. The range "Audiomanii" can be found more than 50 players, among which there are available options, as well as phones with a serious price tag for true connoisseurs. There you can find all the consumables and accessories. Here are some current models. To carefully consider them, you can click on the photo.
6. Turntable - a stylish piece of furniture
Of course, if it is a good machine, not the player with AliExpress killed or device with a flea market. Enter in any search engine "turntable" and see for yourself - this technique is designed for you to make an impression. Even before it will include.
Special attention to the appearance of their players are paying the Austrians Pro-Ject. Almost each of their model is available in a large number of colors, among which there are also thematic, dedicated to some artist or album.
Stylish home furnishings can become themselves the plate. The most valuable of them can be placed in the frame and hang on the wall.
7. Collecting records again make valuable music
We rarely seek, and even more rarely spend money on specific releases, because access to the entire music world can be obtained for free or for a couple of hundred rubles a month. Remember the last time you were happy exit and purchase the album of your favorite band? If it was before the arrival of unlimited internet, you definitely need to learn again to enjoy the music. Vinyl provides such an opportunity.
Passion for vinyl - it's not something strange, complicated and inaccessible. This is not a hobby for intellectuals with a high barrier to entry. Start listening to records very easily. We need a decent machine, and a small collection of releases.
You do not know where to start? Pay attention to the "Academy of vinyl" - a joint project of "Audiomanii" and Pro-Ject. This is a collection of lessons, through which you will learn more about the current vinyl market, learn how to deal in the players and understand how to move your listening to music culture to a new level.
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