What is copyright and why do you need this deal
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Confrontation defenders and opponents of copyright can surely be called one of the most protracted conflicts of mankind. Although these battles take place not on the field of battle, and more often in the halls of the courts, the victims no less from them.
Despite the importance of the issue, especially for Internet users, many people have a rather vague knowledge of the matter. The copyright on this or other content may be protected in different ways and have different use cases. Knowledge of these methods and can keep you from small problems and a lot of trouble, so we want to offer a little help article on this topic.
Whenever a person creates something, such as a picture or text, the author has the right to this work. This means that the author's name (if it does not transfer this right to another person or entity) can determine who, how and what can do with his work. There are several common variants of legal contracts that describe in detail the various options for the use of existing works. They are also called the license agreement or copyright licenses.
Public Domain
IN public domain pass those works, copyrights have expired or never existed. Such work can be free to use, copy, modify (even for commercial purposes), as desired. Examples of such products are musical works of Beethoven, Shakespeare, or all of Formula Isaac Newton. This may also include the invention, the term of the patent for which has expired. In most cases, the value of this term is 70 years.
Creative Commons
This is a special non-profit organization that created free to use the standard author's contracts, with the help of which the authors may be allowed to use their work more freely than ordinary legislation provides.
In total there are six different options for such a license:
CC Attribution. This license lets others distribute, process, correct and develop work, even for commercial purposes, provided the works of the author. This is the most free license, from the point of view of what can be done with the product users ..
CC Attribution-ShareAlike. This license allows others to refine, correct and develop the work even for commercial purposes, provided attribution and license derivative works under the same conditions.
CC Attribution-NoDerivs. This license allows you to freely distribute the product, both in the commercial as well as non-profit basis, the work should be continued and always must attribute.
CC Attribution-NonCommercial. This license allows others to refine, correct and develop the product for non-commercial purposes.
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This license allows others to refine, correct and develop a product on a commercial basis, as long as they mention original authorship and license derivative works similar license conditions.
- CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs. It allows others to receive and distribute the product, as long as they mention the author and link to it, but they can not under any circumstances modify the product and use it in commercial purposes.
Software licenses
When we hear the term "free software" that many feel that it represents the perfect all-permissiveness and the complete absence of any restrictions in the work with the software. However, it is not. In fact, under this general term hides a whole bunch of different licenses, each of which has its own characteristics.
MIT - is one of the free licenses, as it is permissive, ie allowing programmers to use licensed code in a closed software, provided that the text of the license granted together with the software.
- BSD - gave rise to the appearance of a whole family softvarnyh licenses, the main difference of which from others is that they contain less restrictions for the user. Therefore, in a sense, the use of this license close to putting the program into the category of public domain.
- Apache - gives the user the right to use the software for any purpose, freely distribute, modify, and distribute modified copies, except for the name
- GNU - gives the user the right to copy, modify and distribute (including on a commercial based) programs, as well as to ensure that all users receive the above derivative works the rights.
As you have probably realized, copyright and licensing world is quite complex and can not be reduced to a banal opposites commercial-free, paid-for free. If you want to publish their work with certain licensing restrictions, you must be sure to thoroughly understand the existing versions, or even get legal consultation. Even more correct to do this if you plan to use someone else's work. In this case, once again to be safe than to disassemble and then uphill challenges, is not it?