How to delete their accounts with the Russian mass services
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
No we here question - why do we need an account on the "My World", if they do not use, why "My World" and "Yarushka" if in the first case there is LinkedIn, which is actively developing, and second to none at all what. Maybe it's time to retire from VKontakte and Facebook to prefer it, although both spider veins we sincerely love. About all of them and a little more in this post, is designed to make your digital life a little clearer and more modern.
My Circle
This professional network is evolving and can make you happy unless placers spam and "tempting" offers networking and business leaders MLM-motion. Removes highly recommended.
How to Remove: Log in to your account and in the upper right corner, select settingsAnd then removing the account. A couple of clicks and you're done. Not screen, since this network started it all, and only then do the rest of the study.
It is whether blogging platform, whether Yandex social network, where you can find all of its employees. Removing an account on Yarushechke - only remove it and YAD purse Yandex. Mail will remain untouched.
How to Remove: Logintes in and top right klikayte adjustment. There, click on other and at the bottom Remove the Diary.
The only problem is that Yandex does not delete your blog, and hides it. Deflate his record, as does Facebook, for example, I did not find how.
If you want to delete your account on Yandex in general, then you need any service via the profile setting to reach the passport and there click on the red link below Delete account. Be careful - Mail and Yandex. Money, too, bang.
The most "favorite" company Eldar Murtazin in my model does not use the Internet at all gets even Futubra not useful. And the account is hanging for a long time. Should be removed.
How to Remove: Here we will help you as combed help section - it gives the answer to the question "How to retire?" As easily as Yandex, Mail will not let you. There is a special link on that, you'll be taken to a page disengagement:
Enter the reason and your password, and you are almost removed from the mail. They write you this, it's just a gem! «Access to the mailbox is locked, its contents are deleted from our servers, but you can still recover the box."In the end, I do not understand - I have removed or not?! The rest of the services will disappear from the face of the earth after 5 hours. So they say.
Then removing all darkness. Break the help section, you will not find this information. For samoudaleniya you need to go to the section of the Regulations, which is at the bottom right of the page. shakes the very bottom of this page and click on Refuse services. Then - the cause and password, and all - your classmates were shocked.
In contact with
We do not recommend that you removed, as we like to network. But you can always do it.
How to Remove: Go to the address settings and at the bottom klikayte lonely link remove your page. On the Remote network staff left a very funny reason for the removal and an opportunity to leave a suicide note to friends - clever!
Of course, that your account will be just hidden. All data remains on the server.
LiveJournal aka Google Delicious LinkedIn
On the search for a solution, I spent about five minutes.
How to Remove: Go to the address and then select: delete the entire blog or More and comments submitted by you throughout the service.
The wording here "Mark as deleted", which means no one is deleted, but only marked for you.
How to delete your account, for example, we did not find And it is very interesting information in the light of a showdown with the file hosting and active users.
If you have experience removing accounts on other domestic products, then write it in the comments.