Sign up for Layfhaker the best way for you
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
As you read our blog? Maybe you go to him on a daily basis? Maybe you have subscribed for RSS? This convenient ways, but there are better ways of subscription - there you get regular links to the main materials + extra lightweight content. Below we describe some methods of subscription can be convenient and allow you not to miss anything important and saves a lot of time.
In general, the method of subscription, we recommend that everyone, regardless of existing subscriptions. We know that many of you click Mark All As Read (Mark Read) to Google Reader or just not so often go to social networks. Special editor responsible for sending, collecting it once a week the best articles. It looks like this and we will ensure that signing up for it, you will not miss anything important:
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After subscribing you will see links to the original articles of the blog, as well as the simple life hacking, which can be described as a picture or a link. We take into account features of networks Facebook, Google+, VK and Twitter, but because the content in them is often slightly different, adapted.
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