Dbinbox - anonymous file uploads in Dropbox c any computer
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Dbinbox It allows you to upload files to your Dropbox storage to anyone without having to log in to your account.
Despite the best efforts of competitors, Dropbox is still a convenient and popular tool for file sharing and backup, which is used by over 175 million people Worldwide. However, some of the functions it is clearly not enough. For example, the possibility to upload files to your repository without the need for authorization. This can come in handy in the event that if you work for a public computer and can not use the desktop or online version of the service for safety reasons. Or if you need / do you want to receive files in your Dropbox from other people.
But the power of Dropbox is, among other things, a powerful API, c through which third-party developers can add additional features. The new service called Dbinbox It connects to your account to Dropbox and easily solves the above problems.
1. Go to the site Dbinbox site and select the user name you want to use on the site. Once you've done that, click on the button
link with your Dropbox, to authorize to Dropbox new application.2. You will be redirected to the Dropbox website. Here, log in, and allow Dbinbox create a folder in your repository.
3. You get a special address of the page that will be used to send files to you, and in your Dropbox storage has been created, a new folder Dbinbox (by default it is in the Apps directory) that will be used for files.
4. Your personal page is available at http://dbinbox.com/ваше_имя and it contains a form with which anyone can put files in your Dropbox. The default is no restriction to access is not provided, and anyone who knows the link or guesses her address can send you files. So you can go to settings and set a password that will limit the range of trusted senders only those to whom you send the password.
We recommend that you be sure to pay attention to this feature, to not find one on your computer in your Dropbox folder, any illegal or just not nice things.
Summarizing, we can conclude that Dbinbox is quite a handy tool that allows you to more flexible use of the possibility of file storage Dropbox. C it you can not only organize safe loading content you want without entering your credentials, for example when working on a public computer, but also to organize the sharing within small Dropbox collective.
Dbinbox (source dbinbox on GitHub).