RoundTeam - service automatic retweets on a variety of signs
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Today we offer you a look at the interesting service RoundTeam, which makes automatic retweets on signs and rules set. In fact, he is a versatile tool for internet marketing and internal communications within communities of interest.
Here are the basic models use the service.
1. Creating communities on Twitter
On Twitter there is no option to create groups, communities, discussions, comments tapes. RoundTeam complements the functionality of Twitter is so popular now possible to fully communicate. For example, you learn / work at the university. Your school, you can say, a gated community with a large number of daily news. News can be about anything - about the upcoming party, "Miss University", scientific conferences, change class schedules, etc. You, like your colleagues, using Twitter and want to receive tweets with news and be able to them discuss. Mutually Fallaway everyone - not the best way out, because then you will receive not only information about the university, but also all other tweets of your colleagues and friends. Tweet Feed will become a stream of unnecessary information. In addition, this approach is extremely complicated process of connecting new community members - are mutually zafollovit 2,000 people in a short time is almost impossible. RoundTeam very simply solves the problem of the formation of a community. In the case of a university, you must create a separate Twitter account for your new community (or take an already existing). Connect it to RoundTeam and set the following parameters retweets: retweet tweet all their followers with a specific hashtag #. The more unique hashtag #, the easier it is. For example, # or # nazvanie_universiteta nazvanie_fakulteta etc. The last step - to invite all members of the community zafollovit the Twitter account and ask to add to their tweets about a particular event, the university mentioned above # Hashtag. Thus, when someone from the community of followers zatvitit something with the right hashtag #, RoundTeam produce automatic retweet, and this post will see everything, regardless of whether they Fallaway each other, either directly or not! The beauty of this method is that you can receive instant notification about a new tweet by SMS, can be answered again by SMS, even without access to the Internet.
2. information aggregator
Automatic retweets allow akumulirovat kollichestva information from any Twitter accounts into one Twitter feed. For example, you are interested in some actual world events. People all over the world tweet about it. Of course, you can each time to do a search in Twitter for keywords. But it is not always convenient, and there is a risk to miss something interesting. RoundTeam offers a simple solution to get the latest tweets as they appear. As an alternative to solve this problem, you can zafollovit your account people who are interested to write about the event (or create a set up a new account), and specify the settings in RoundTeam: retweet all of those I follovlyu according to key words or # Hashtag. Then you will automatically retweet interesting news about your event in his tweet tape.
3. Promotion of personal or business account Twitter
RoundTeam offers a standard solution for marketing on Twitter. Retweet as such - it is an opportunity to share interesting information with their followers. But there is another side to the coin, retweet - it's just a way to "thank" the author of the information and, at the same time, to draw attention to themselves. For example, you own a small company for the production of cosmetics. You, at least, I wonder what you think about the buyers. You, of course, can run daily search for Twitter hashtag in its # or @ mentions and read the resulting tape. And why not do it automatically? Ask setting RoundTeam - retweet the # hashtag on Twitter to tweet the entire feed company. Thus, the people you zaretvitili receive feedback from you, understand that you are their "reading" and their opinion you do not care. You will get the opportunity to discuss any information about your company and its products directly to the customer in the "non-stop" 24/7!
Another option RoundTeam use in the context of promotion - to fill the tweet feed companies relevant to your business information. Retweet on specific people, from followers, or just Twitter for given keyword or hashtag #. If we talk about a cosmetic business example - you can add a tape retweets about makeup trends, techniques, etc. This approach is applicable to any business and has two major pluses: firstly your tweet tape interesting (and more interesting than it is - the more attractive to new readers), and secondly - the people whom you are automatically zaretvitili will certainly pay attention to you and your attention, experience, zafollovyat. RoundTeam does this work automatically, saving you time and leaves you right at any time to produce a "moderation" retweet process - adjust the spam filter to block unwanted authors and do not retweet them never make anretvit any message.