5 steps you need to do after writing an article
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
In this article, we want to once again return to the topic blogovedeniya, saitostroitel'stva and postopisatelstva. We already told you how to write a good article And How to organize work your blog. And today we want to focus on equally important issues, which, however, many new bloggers do not pay enough attention. Let's talk about the actions that you need to do after being put the final point.
Too many blogovody believe that the most important thing - is to write an interesting text-to-date, and the rest will follow all by itself. "This remarkable creation speaks for itself - they think - Who's supposed to, they will find and appreciate."
Of course, the importance of the content is difficult to dispute, but the competition in the network such that hope "at random" better not. We want to introduce you to a few techniques that will help your post to be more prominent.
1. Links to other posts on your blog (5 minutes)
Do not rush to publish your post straight from the tin. Read it again and arrange the text links to your previous articles on article topics. Like it not only search engines but your readers, who will be able to find additional information on the topic. Hold your visitor on your site as long as possible.
2. Optimize your post keywords (5 minutes)
No one calls you to write text-oriented search engine robots, but to think about what search terms can lead the reader to your article, it's worth. Try to use a combination of your post in the title, URL, meta description, and tags. After that, your article will be much easier to find in search results.
3. Social Networks (10 minutes)
Share the link to your post to Facebook, Twitter and other major social networks. It is not enough simply to insert links and images, it is best to give a small accompanying text briefly describing the content of the article.
4. Links from other sites (20 minutes)
If you wrote a really valuable material, then it necessarily will be referenced. Sooner or later. But little can help this process. Are you in the preparation of the material certainly examined the topic and read what is written on this subject other sites and blogs. Open these articles and post them in the comments their views on the subject, backed by reference to your article. Main observe prudence and not to slip into a banal advertising. If your opinion is interesting, that this comment is not exactly will be deleted.
5. Responses to comments (~ minutes)
Try not to forget your article immediately after the publication of and respond to those comments that need to be answered. This will not only enliven the atmosphere of your site, but also give you an immediate response from your readers, which will help to evaluate how well the selected and disclosed subject article.
As you can see, although writing a successful article theoretically possible in just 20 minutesBut further action may take you a lot longer. And what are ways to promote your articles you use?