As photographed Apple products (the person who never gets to the incineration plant for photographers)
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
It is likely that you have never heard of Belendzhere Peter, but you are guaranteed to see his photos and objects kept his shooting hand. Belendzher - photographer in the best sense of the word, and many "iconsĀ» Apple products, which we see in ads and on the site Apple - his work. Among the clients listed Belendzhera not just Apple. He works for eBay, Nike, Pixar, and Square then, and not so long ago took TheVerge Peter interview, during which he talked about some of the features of the creation of the "ideal" images.
How did you become a commercial photographer?
In the process of learning the art of photography, I decided to look deeper into the commercial aspect of this activity. Silicon Valley is home to many companies that produce these or other products, and these products are needed to efficiently and competently show consumers. In general, the work for photographers had enough, and I liked the decision of non-standard tasks in the product feed. Even then I realized an opportunity to do and earn what I like.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
There is no single source - I like to consider creative and interesting work styles in magazines and inspiration often comes from images that are totally different from my work style. Another good source of inspiration I can call movies and TV shows.
The process of your work seems both simple and extremely complex. Often, the object filming simply can not see all these lighting systems. Can you describe in general how you plan and implement process of shooting?
A key factor is the number of photos that you want to do for the day. Ideally, I should consider the material from which made the product, and on this basis to develop a method for its most efficient delivery. Sometimes it is easier to pick up the light excluding the surface on which rests the product (if it can be added later). At the end of the work I do is an incredibly large number of images, and it is necessary to accurately illuminate any piece and monitor every station, every shadow separately.
If I have enough time to work with the product, or the product of a "complex", I need to simplify the work with light.
One day I had to take pictures of expensive leather shoes from which crawled real live snake. I had to greatly simplify the process of working with this subject, because the snakes were crawling and generally doing their own thing, and I had very little time for each image.
What kind of camera you dearer just at this moment?
Canon 5D Mark III with lens 24-70 mm f / 2.8 - if I was allowed to use only one lens, it would be just such a lens, it does its job in virtually any situations.
Can you describe the process of work with Apple products?
Apple has always have a well thought out plan and outline the necessary shots. I interact with their art directors, and as a result of these sketches are transformed into pictures. In the beginning we choose the position of the product in the picture, and then move on to the light. Apple pays great attention to the materials for their products, and for me is incredibly important to qualitatively show this through images. I choose any part of the product and decide, as shown in the photo material used therein. Then I move on to the next part. That is why as a result, I find myself with an incredibly complex set of photos, but I need to to be able to control the outcome: if the customer suddenly asks to change something, I can it do.
It seems to work in Photoshop. You do not paint all in one layer. I compare their shots with just such layers, and their customization gives the desired result.
What is the ratio photos, and post-processing in your work?
I try to make the best possible camera part of the work, however, even the most successful images require processing. When you zoom in the picture, you see details that are not available simple human eye. Apparent ideal surface may actually contain a speck of dust, scratches and other elements, depriving the photo of the "ideal".
What or who you're shooting for fun?
Their children. It sounds boring, but it really is fun. I photograph them since birth. I can take pictures of them and not worry about what to say about these pictures, my client or someone else. I can experiment without this pressure. I am one of those fathers who come to the game of baseball with a 400 mm lens, and my children say: "This is what has been our father, just ignore it." At the end of each year I make a photo album of 365 pictures for their children. This year I finished tenth album.
If you could watch the work of another photographer, who would it be?
It would be great to shoot with Anton Corbijn. For a long time I was a fan of his, especially at a time when he was working with my favorite singer - Depeche Mode and U2. He's much more documentary style and other clients. His work may seem simple, but in fact for them, too, are the whole story.
What tools and applications you use in your daily work?
For work I use Aperture, Capture One, Photoshop and xScope. Evernote and Dropbox allow me not to go to the paper and organize their affairs.
I try to maintain the relevance of the equipment used: until recently, I enjoyed the Profoto equipment, but then expanded the inventory Broncolor products. In my studio fotoinstrumenty consist of Phase One and Sinar X, and beyond it, I use Canon 5D Mark III.
The full version of the interview in English here.