Appendix S-Presso - a powerful filter for news of VK and Facebook
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
To benefit from subscriptions, social media, find themselves really interesting posts and not to lose them in the flow of information noise, we have to somehow filter their news. Appendix S-Presso is an excellent assistant in this case - will bring together news from social networks Vkontakte and Facebook and will clean your tape from the rubbish, leaving only the useful information.
Usually, news just full of information from the pages of public and who do not have much to you Relations - News unfamiliar people, updating the groups to which you have entered "just so" and do not leave them "to just in case".
In general, the brain simply can not cope with such an abundance of information, and as a result you miss a lot interesting news even from his Public, not to mention the interesting communities, which are not signed.
But from the social networking can really benefit, it is necessary to exclude only information noise and serious approach to the selection of public and news, which will fill your tape. For this is useful to you a special tool, a filter useful content from any "garbage» - «S-Presso: the best of the VK and Facebook», a free app for iOS.
As the name implies, in the application you view news from the two most popular social networks in Russia, and the main S-Presso task is to protect you from the useless news, and provide personal collections of interest topics.
And now more about how to find useful information by using an application.
Choose topics and sources for collections
First you need to log in Vkontakte and Facebook in the app, and then choose the topics that interest you - a selection of S-Presso is just and will consist of news on these topics.
Now you manage all your collections parameters - at any time, can change the topics of interest and select sources that will fill three news selections S-Presso.
Two social sphere, the three news feeds
So, the first tape S-Presso - «My." Here you see the news of the VK and Facebook. That is, you do not have to go to different accounts or applications of these sotsialok - all the news in a single tape S-Presso.
Clicking on the check mark in the upper right corner, you move on to setting up your own collections, and in the very first tab of the "My" choose Public, which will be displayed in this tape. No need to "clean" their profiles from unnecessary Public - just choose the subscription of interest, and news feed is exempt from "garbage".
The following news flow - S-Presso - available to more than 30 collections of the top 200 public servers and pages of topics that you chose at the beginning. This is the only tape application is available for free to read without authorization in social networks. That is, you may not have accounts in Vkontakte or Facebook, and you can still read in the S-Presso constantly updated news feeds from the different communities.
At any time you can change the desired subject - just go to Settings, and those sources and note the dates. Moreover, you can tap on the interesting sources and will be taken to a page with just his news - read the Public, and when tired, return to collection.
And finally, the third selection - "Mix" - a combination of two news feeds, your personal and S-Presso. Thus, if you are interested in everything from selected news sources - both from your personal subscriptions, and from communities and pages matched to your S-Presso, you can check the section only "Mix".
news management in several tapov
In addition to tools for content filtering, S-Presso application provides a rapid and convenient control of the news.
First, you can see all your news in a convenient format - S-Presso wall is realized in the form of large images. So information is perceived much better, but she looks more interesting news ticker.
Secondly, to change the news feed, do not need to go into the menu - "My", "the S-Presso" and "Mix" changing swipe left and right. Moreover, to layknut picture does not necessarily aim at the small icon below it - just double-tapa on the image itself, in Instagram.
Of course, you can share the news directly from the application, send it with a single tap on the wall, and send to your friends via email and sms. If you still need some news, you can quickly add it to the tab - in the upper right corner there is an icon "bookmarks", one tap on it, and the post will not be lost in the stream of updated news.
Only useful information and no "sticking"
If you have problems with the "sticking" in social networks, S-Presso app can help to cope with this "curse of procrastinators."
You simply will not be able to view hundreds of photos from the wedding of his superdalnego relative and did not accept a senseless conversation, half consisting of emoticons - in S-Presso application is not possible to write messages or browse the profiles of other users, but because this is most often hang out in social sphere.
As for the benefits, with the S-Presso outset use you define their priorities on topics exclude all distractions and unwanted posts and eventually get an excerpt from the information that you handy. Moreover, due to the easy navigation and combining the two into a single tape sotsialok you spend a lot less time to check the news.
In general, even if you have always believed that social networks - this is a real mess, and nothing useful to find out, S-Presso will change your opinion of them.