Why iOS 7 this design
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Criticism of iOS 7 design address does not subside. People shout about ugliness and asked to return their old warm tube-axis to which they are so accustomed to, and which does not give absolutely no opportunity in the future to expand the system.
What are we talking about? Everything is very simple. Most consumers see in the updated iOS only decorative changes. Indeed, Johnny Ive, inspired by the works of the legendary German designer Otto Aicher, presented a different, flat with iOS bright colors, large white spaces between elements, elegant font design and simple geometric forms. Against the background of such a radical transformation righteous anger of those who loved skeuomorph sixes, quite expected.
However, all this - only a part of the mission and the possibilities inherent in iOS 7. Strong emotions that bedevil the old design of the fans did not give them a look at what happened transformation more deeply understand the meaning and purpose of evolution.
iOS 7 is designed so because was designed not only for the iPhone and iPad, which we use today, but also for all the devices that Apple will please us in the future. We are talking about the iWatch, iTV, iCar and any other device or system, the development of which are carried out by now or planned for the near future.
We will talk about how flat iOS will be able to take over the world.
iOS began its journey from smartphones and tablets, but it is reasonable to assume the desire to Apple to use its development in other types of devices that make a universal shaft.
In June, as part of WWDC, presented his vision of future cars. iOS in the Car - a bridge between Apple services and drivers, allows you to comfortably make calls, listen to music, use maps and even send text messages directly from their panel car. Then, few people could see the first swallow and the reason iOS redesign.
The system with a flat interface is much more flexible in terms of integration into various types of devices. In terms of iOS in the Car design is interesting because it is fully consistent with the concept of iOS 7, but has a large rectangular buttons instead of the traditional rounded square icons.
The reason - safety. The big button easier to hit while driving. Driver less distracted from the road to make a particular action. As you can see, flat design perfectly meets the avtodevaysam - thanks to the monotonous flat background button shape can be completely arbitrary.
We have a central object - ID icon applications. It occupies a small area, and around him - a uniform background, which can be included in a two-dimensional shape of any shape and size.
The advantages of this approach is easy to realize in practice. Imagine two photographers, one of whom takes the red box with some schematic silhouette on it, and the second photographer captures Vatican architecture against the backdrop of the surrounding area.
Objective: To enlarge the photos. In the first case, the photographer simply adds red at the edges, and the result looks great. In the second case, this technique is not a ride.
Photo Vatican with lots of detail on the background - these are the skevomorfichnye iOS 6 icons. They have not only clearly highlighted the central object. Icon itself and its shape is clearly defined and is not amenable to modification.
You can now open any iOS 7 icon in the simple graphical editor, change the size and proportions web then simply pour an added portion of the webbing in the same color as the background on icons. Congratulations! You have just learned how to customize the interface of iOS 7 icons for any needs. There is nothing surprising in the fact that interface of the new apple OS recreate even a text editor Microsoft - he thought so. Flexible, adaptable. This is not trash, it's limitless possibilities.
Let us assume that Apple will delight us with their HDTV (FullHD, UltraHD - the more, the better). Obviously, the icons there should be large, because they need to see, even from the far corner of the room. If earlier the company would require a complete redesign, but now they only expand their method described above. and just quickly.
And what if the iWatch - not a myth but a reality? It is possible that they will get a curved screen.
Now we live in a world of flat surfaces display graphical information (although Samsung is already experimenting), But a flat interface design will help in the transition to curved surfaces. The smaller the pieces, the less distortion will be evident.
iOS 7 design - this is not a departure from skeuomorph, it is a step into the future.