How to speed up the work with the text using the keyboard shortcuts
Tips Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If your work is connected with a set of large amounts of text, the most radical way of increasing productivity is the development desyatipaltsevym printing method. However, there is another way to significantly speed up the work with texts - the development of special keyboard shortcuts. The fact is that when typing our hands are located above the keyboard, but as soon as you want to move cursor, select text, delete the paragraph, we clutching at his arm, which slows down the implementation of the necessary actions. Now we'll show you how to perform all the necessary actions with the text without taking your hands off the keyboard. This will not only increase productivity, but it can help you out with problems with the mouse.
Maybe for some pen and keyboard professionals in this list of hot keys will seem familiar for a long time, but for many, I hope these techniques will be new. It only remains to add that these keyboard shortcuts are practically any application, allowing to work with the text, including browsers, email programs, word processors, and so on-line services Further.
Working with words
Ctrl + Left arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Right Arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Backspace - to delete the previous word.
Ctrl + Delete - to delete the next word.
ctrl +Up arrow - move the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Down Arrow - move the cursor to the end of the paragraph.
Move the cursor
Home - Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
End -Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
Ctrl + Home - place the cursor at the beginning of the text input field.
Ctrl + End - place the cursor at the end of the text input field.
Page Up - move the cursor to the start screen.
Page Down - move the cursor to the end of the screen.
Text selection
Shift + Left or Right Arrow - select a character to the left or right of the cursor position.
Shift + Up or Down Arrow - highlight the entire row.
Shift + Ctrl +Left or Right Arrow - the choice of words. Press the re-allocation for the next words.
Shift + Ctrl +Up or Down Arrow - choice section.
Shift + Home - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the beginning of the line.
Shift + End - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the end of the line.
Shift + Ctrl + Home - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the beginning of the text.
Shift + Ctrl + End - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the end of the text.
Shift + Page Down - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the start screen.
Shift + Page Up - Select text between the current position of the cursor and the end of the screen.
Ctrl + A - to select the entire text.
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Insert - to copy the selected text.
Ctrl + X, Shift + Delete - Cut the selected text.
Ctrl + V, Shift + Insert - paste the selected text.
Ctrl + Z - cancel.
Ctrl + Y - repeat.
Ctrl + B - bold font.
Ctrl + I - italics.
Ctrl + U - underlined.
Ctrl + F - Opens a Find text box.
F3 - find the next.
Shift + F3 - Find previous.
Ctrl + O - open.
Ctrl + S - keep.
Ctrl + N - new document.
Ctrl + P - printing.