Apple maps are now updated daily
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Apple's mapping service, introduced in 2012, has repeatedly grew an occasion for jokes. The corporation even apologized for the quality of their own products, in passing sacking responsible persons. Just over a week ago on Reddit popular portal appeared fastIndicating that Apple maps received daily updates.
Simultaneously with the release of new maps, Apple has added to the possibility of making an application user adjustments. However, until recently, the service worked very badly. As a result, activists help was simply useless.
However, just over a week ago, Reddit user under the nickname Heyyoudvd noticed that several locations near him have been corrected. It happened after two full years after the problem report. After a little more time was it is known a large number of changes.
Then, according to a new report, the application "Maps" has been updated once a week. Now the mapping service is updated daily. All corrections are made to the system at 11 am Moscow time (midnight in Cupertino).
It seems that over the past few weeks in the Apple made a major breakthrough in the improvement of its own services. Finally, you can normally use the built-in capabilities, without the help of third-party applications.