C Flickr Tab every new Chrome tab will be damn beautiful
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Flickr Tab - an extension for Chrome, which shows the best photos from Flickr in a new browser tab. Each picture - a work of art. Looks good.
Once developers are not distorted with a new browser tab. there is WandertabWhich features space for travel and allows you to immediately book a ticket there. there is MotivationShowing in real time, your age, and subtly hint at the fact that you need to get down to business until life has flown by. BUT here we collected eight best extensions for a new Chrome tab. Each of them are really useful, or, or damn beautiful.
Flickr Tab of the latter category. He transforms a new browser tab, putting the background one of the best photos Flickr.
Looks really cool. Moreover, updating the page, you can change the picture, and it is done instantly. A feeling that the photos are not taken with the online service, and directly from the computer., Loaded in advance likely.
Flickr Tab, of course, is free and is only available for Chrome browser users. A pity, I would like to see it on the Safari, Firefox and others.