Overview extensions for popular browsers
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
We present you a brief overview of the exciting additions to Firefox, Chrome and Opera, which caught our attention last week.
From this review, you will learn about the two extensions for easy rewinding of pages in Google Chrome, how to convert the site into a PDF in Firefox and compiling statistics on the time in the Opera browser.
Print pages to Pdf
On the advice of our readers weir to present you an interesting extension for converting pages into PDF documents. This extension is highly customizable, allowing to specify capture options and conversion pages, but the most interesting feature seemed to me that when generating the PDF immediately created a table of contents that might very well be useful in the treatment of long complex pages.
Firefox browser is excellent, but its habit of hiding do not fit in the tab bar just exasperated. Expansion reduces several times the minimum size of the tabs, giving thus the ability to display a tab panel 6-7, but several dozen tabs. In addition, you can use a few more options display the tabs.
scrollbar Anywhere
This extension provides a new way to rewind the pages. Instead of reaching for the scroll bar, and now you just have to press the right mouse button and hold it to begin pulling the page up or down. Very comfortably.
Another extension for scrolling pages. After installing it in the Chrome browser appears the automatic scrolling of web pages that you might find useful when reading long texts. The speed of page movement is regulated by a special regulator. appears when you click on the expand button.
Time Counter
This extension collects statistics on time spent on different sites. The collected data is displayed as a visual graphs, one look at that would be enough to see at a glance the most popular places in your network. Statistics are gathered and the total of days.
At present, that's all. We will continue through the week.
If you know of interesting additions (especially for the Opera), you want to share with other readers of the blog, then do not hesitate and write about it in the comments.