How to download and install Google Chrome, Internet Explorer is not running
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Many Windows users run Internet Explorer only once, and only in order to download the browser on your preference.
Once we talked about, download Firefox without resorting to Internet ExplorerAnd then everything was quite simple, thanks to the public at the Mozilla FTP server. Google, unfortunately, did not care about it, so, for the Chrome, have little poshamanit. Go.
Chrome can be downloaded by direct link, indicating the place to download. The challenge is to ensure that emulate the same following the link to download and specify where to save the Installer. This can be done using VBScript - the native scripting language of Windows.
Open the good old Notepad application and copy the code to below.
In this case, the file will be placed in the root of drive D, but you yourself can change the saving path in the corresponding row «strHDLocation =».
Here is the code itself:
'Set your settings. strFileURL = "" strHDLocation = "D: \ chrome_installer.exe" 'Fetch the file. Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject ( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", strFileURL, false. objXMLHTTP.send () If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then. Set objADOStream = CreateObject ( "ADODB.Stream") objADOStream. Open. objADOStream. Type = 1 'adTypeBinary objADOStream. Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody. objADOStream. Position = 0 'Set the stream position to the start Set objFSO = Createobject ( "Scripting. FileSystemObject ") If objFSO.Fileexists (strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation. Set objFSO = Nothing objADOStream. SaveToFile strHDLocation. objADOStream. Close. Set objADOStream = Nothing. End if Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
Now save the file in any convenient place (for example on the desktop). File name do chrome.vbs, file type do not touch and leave "text document."
The second problem is that in order to launch the installer, after running the script will have to open Windows Explorer, and there are people who say that this approach does not quite match the title of the post, because the conductor is part of the Explorer, and so on :) So we dispense command line. However, we have to click on the script will not. Run it from the command line.
At the command prompt with the command cd desktop go to the desktop (to where you saved the script).
Using cscript.exe component chrome.vbs execute the script.
Use the d command: \ chrome_installer.exe run the installation and rejoice.
By the way, since you have put Chrome, you do not forget to try it on our expansion "Layfhaker". So read your favorite blog will be more convenient;)
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