How to test Chrome OS now!
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
At the time of its launch Chrome OS was a fun toy, it is a by-product of Google and incomprehensible. However, he gradually gained weight, grown a caruncle useful applications and unique features, and today, many manufacturers do not hesitate to produce devices with this system. Yes, and what they feel embarrassed, if at the end of 2013 hromobuki were one of the best-selling goods, ahead of even Apple laptops (the US retail trade data).
If you too are interested in what kind of fancy, then do it very easily if you want to try Chrome OS in right now. To do this, you only need to have Windows 8 installed and the Google Chrome browser.
If both the necessary conditions are fulfilled, then simply launch the browser, open the main menu and find the point Relaunch Chrome in Windows 8 mode.
Then you'll be in full-screen mode ModernUI, which will now look like a complete analogue of the Chrome OS. In the lower left corner of the button to see the main menu with installed applications, there is the taskbar, right - the small watch.
All applications run in separate windows, their icons appear on the taskbar. In this case you can use to run the application main menu Chrome OS or fix their buttons at the bottom of the panel, which is useful to make frequently used programs.
Thus, in order to try Chrome OS, to test its functionality and decide which suits it or not, it is not necessary to immediately buy a new gadget. It is possible to make a preliminary impression in advance and then to consciously move to the cloud on Google. Or maybe just put a cross on it forever.