How to run Chrome OS in Windows 8
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
At that time, as Microsoft is trying hard to convince all the "unsorted" that Windows 8 - it's good, Google is building the capacity of its Web-based operating system. If at the beginning of ChromeOS was seen as a strange experiment, but now more and more major manufacturers include in their arsenal of devices on this system. As a result, analysts are already calling hromobuki most promising devices in its category. But Google is not enough. Cunning partisan maneuver they want to penetrate into the enemy's rear. Today, we'll tell you how to run ChromeOS directly into Windows 8.
You probably already know that Google recently added to the Windows taskbar a button that lets you run web applications. But it seems that the company's plans go much further. In the past few days in the developer version of Chrome browser has been added to startup function is almost full ChromeOS. Powered MetroUI this feature in Windows 8 mode.
Previously, Chrome Dev in Metro mode is a full-screen version of a standard browser.
New versions we are seeing a very different picture. In fact before us full ChromeOS. We see before us the task bar with buttons predusanovlennyh Gmail app, Google, Docs and YouTube. You can run multiple browser windows and manage them as a normal application, prileplivaya them to the left and right side or using full screen mode.ChromeOS in Windows
While this mode in Chrome Dev fairly crude and may contain errors and omissions. But let's not forget that this is only version for developers and do not doubt that Google is the final release will polish this mode to shine. After all, the main task of the course - is to give users an easy way to try ChromeOS actually, to wake their interest and to overcome the prejudice against "online operating system."