Removing the kraudfandingovoe selling videos on smartphone
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Ilya Kalashnikov, the author of its own pottery project, Shares the secrets of staging and filming of fantastic videos on iPhone (or any other smartphone). By the way, it kraudfandingovy project with a video that you can find in the post, I collected the full amount for the week!
Our video, minus 30 seconds, close-up shot that is placed in a small handbag. It is filmed on the iPhone and action-camera GoPro.
Let's start with the video footage secrets. Let us examine our video for crowdfunding. No, not on the shelves, and on secrets.
1. The language of images
The language of images is important. All images are read spectator unconsciously. They should be carefully considered in their videos and build them to work for a common cause - the creation of a pleasant and powerful images, messages, after which the audience was coming next.
The task - to tell the storyI came to ceramics and pottery as an art that must be mastered. Well to tell this story as a fairy tale.
It turned out this way. Even as a child, in kindergarten, I somehow once fashioned a small mug of clay. I really like it and I never parted with it. And when the children appeared at myself in the evenings read them stories - Russian folk. And often I caught myself on the fact that I do not know how to explain everything about the dishes, which in fairy tales constantly mentioned?
Well, that's about the honey pot, milk jug, jug of kvass? have not sold in stores these things. And the pictures in books - it's just pictures of their milk do not drink.
As a result of all these lyrics, I finally took the drive from the car wheel and cooked out of it a real potter's wheel. And I try to do it on the pottery.
Animates and insulate picture: sun glare on the wall of the studio, we caught a large mirror and directed onto the wall. GoPro very artistic "ruining" house on the edges - it is not as flat. iPad rests on a stump behind the scenes and catching on the Wi-Fi image from GoPro. This gives the opportunity to see yourself while shooting.
Yes, try to start the frame from the beginning of the movement. In this episode, it logs the movement.
2. Props
Props in the film - a very important thing. It is necessary to prepare in advance.
"That's right" glued the pieces krynka should collapse when it duesh in the frame. A picture is pasted with tape to the wall must fall only after the camera is turned off.
In this episode of the iPhone has no equal. Smartphone on a tripod enables correctly and slowly put the light to pick a composition that there was nothing superfluous in the frame.
3. Beautiful and unusual stories
Incidentally, this is the real story: Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa took up pottery, ending a career in politics for 60 years. When I took up pottery, then learned that the birthday parties we agree - January 14. No doubt that this episode is necessary to film.
Enter your movies unusual characters and facts. They attract attention and remember.
4. Drama and allegory
"Think hard Ilya", it is not so easy given everything in this life. Obstacle to the main character, as in the fairy tales, and in real life, and especially in movies - a mandatory integral part. It gives an opportunity to think and intrigued, what will happen next.
the viewer is often not aware of the images that affect it through the screen. But they influence through the subconscious.
For greater skleennosti episodes together directors devise various passages. From "Ilya thinking" to "Ilya do" was invented "wheel of fire". Bagel on the finger turns into a grinder disc. They Ilya cuts off part of your future potter's wheel. Bulgarian sound is recorded on the built-in microphone GoPro and returns the viewer's attention.
5. facilities
For compact cameras and miniature devices. To remove pictures in difficult conditions, in the arsenal of the set is good to have a small tripod or a flexible tape Velcro. So it is possible to attach the compact camera to any protrusion. Here GoPro I hooked on the bar overhang.
Shoot footage at a higher resolution. At installation time, you can bring the necessary, move the frame to crop, so as not to interfere with unnecessary details.
6. Pekshoty
Pekshoty (Eng. packshot, pack shot) - footage is "good person", as they say in the jargon. The culmination of the movie: that, in fact, offer? Pottery from the living clay.
There could not resist and took the most delicious 15 seconds on the Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
In advertising one pekshot can shoot all day, exposing light, shadows, changing the background, optical filters. And it's nice to omit palm in cereals…
Use emotion in a scene - and you're creating a work of art!
7. The secret sound
That's a fairy tale ending, and who listened to... listening? To listen, it is necessary to record the sound correctly.
In this picture, the sound of the synchronous write. Synchron - this is not the narration, and a replica of the frame. Here we will need our special secret wire that connects the iPhone to professional wireless microphones. Next - installation under the tutelage of the brilliant artist and director Alexander Brunkovsky and voice wonderful voice actress and radio presenter Valentina Mokrousova.
Use these secrets and share your comments! And shoot fabulous video on a pocket camera will be very easy!
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And what are the secrets to creating a fabulous video you use?