RSSNewser - news reader with a very original interface
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Excellent program with an unusual, minimalist, and on just winning, interface. A kind of simplified model Geegle Reader'a on the desktop.
This RSS reader I immediately liked his approach to the interface. News are small, since the lack of graphics and all the html-waste, in this loaded instantly.
In plants already present several thematic channels, mainly from the world of sports, politics and computers. Conveniently arranged channel management - you can choose a time interval for downloading news from the channel. For example, you can download news only last 48 hours, and it does not matter if you have not read them, because they have the time life on the screen of the program, which is also regulated (for example, news can be removed after 24 hours download). There is a range limit on the number of news at a time. The arrival of new posts in the tape is accompanied by a nice pop-up notifications, and sounds. All in all, a very interesting, minimalist, quick and free program.