NewsBlur - intelligent reader of RSS channels
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
One of the most convenient ways to get information is, of course, the use of RSS technology. Special programs and services - RSS readers - give us the opportunity to receive news from various sources in one place, without visiting at the same time a lot of sites. The best of these services is Google Reader, which is still a tough act to follow for the competition. However, the emergence of a new RSS-reader NewsBlur It may change the usual picture, because it is not only convenient web-based application, but also smart.
To start using the service, you will need to register. This can be done in the usual way - by setting a username and password, or you can import your data from Google Reader. Then you need to add a subscription manually by downloading the OPML file, or transferring your feeds from Google Reader. Please note that free use is allowed to add up to 64 channels.
NewsBlur He meets us pretty user-friendly design and a lot of not quite yet understood controls, and indicators. The main window consists of three panes: the left displays a list of your subscriptions, organized into folders; the second panel shows the titles of articles; third displays their contents. Panel arrangement, the sort order of the feeds, and many other options can be easily changed in the settings. The content of the articles can be displayed in one of three types -
Original, Feed, StorySwitch between them by means of special buttons.Now we go to the most interesting NewsBlur opportunities. This reader is capable of after a short training highlight interesting news for you and screen out unnecessary. To do this, you need to specify the topics that interest you and authors, highlighting them in a window or in the headlines of articles. In addition, you can specify even the words in the headlines of articles on which the program is necessary to pay attention to. In this case, the necessary elements are highlighted in green, and those that you want to hide - red.
After completing these steps, the reader will be able to visualize the number of interesting news in each feed and hide not the dates of your theme. Use the slider in the lower left corner, you can switch the display mode to hide the weed (red) - show all (yellow) - only interesting (green). Thus, after a brief training, you can stop wasting time on manual filtering of the news flow - for you it will be done automatically by the program.
online application NewsBlur is not only easy to use interface for comfortable reading news, but also trying to solve the biggest problem of modern - the overflow of information flows. Thanks to a clever mechanism for the recognition of important articles for you, you can hide all in one motion too much and do not waste your precious time to read hundreds of titles do not need you.