ImageOptim - optimizing images for the Web
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
In the age of high-speed Internet bloggers and webmasters began to forget about optimizing images. And for good reason. Until now, many are sitting on the limit tariffs, and are increasingly using mobile devices to access the network. Besides accelerating page load and saves bandwidth by the site owners.
In Photoshop, as you know, there's even a special option - Safe for Web. However, the application itself is expensive, and buying it only to reduce the weight of the files would be silly.
And here we come to the aid ImageOptim program. It provides a graphical interface for a set of tools that normally run from the command line. ImageOptim can reduce the size of JPEG, PNG and GIF-files by 30-50 percent (and this without any apparent loss of quality).
Using the program is simple - drag the image to the main application window, or add the file by clicking the "+" sign. If you have already upgraded to Snow Leopard, you can use the context menu.
ImageOptim - an open-source freeware application. And thanks for the tip twitter d -_- b!