Choosing the best car navigation for iOS
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Not so long ago, at the end of last year, I got rights. Now I am one of those who are not always passed on the road, honk back on any occasion, and strive to undercut (even those who have only just sat down for "the wheel"). All my adult life I have traveled on the subway and surface transport, so never attached importance to various intersections, turns and intersections. How to get from point A to point B, I imagined, but not behind the wheel. Now, to travel on an unfamiliar street, I prefer to first check with the card before you conquer uncharted expanses. I tested some of them and I want to share my thoughts on this subject.
Identify the main criteria is not as easy as it seems at first glance. I want all at once, but in fact it turns out that things are not so rosy as we would like.
Apple Maps
Our first "experimental" - a standard application from Apple. Feels like, the battery "burns" less than the others, because it includes the display only in those moments when you need to turn or take any action on the road. He continues to work even on the lock screen. It has voice prompts in Russian, which is nice.
Among the few drawbacks is worth noting the quality of the proposed routes. It builds a road, though correct, but does not account for any congestion, repairs or accidents. Though in the cards themselves, and uses the services of Yandex, however great their influence, I never noticed.
google Maps
Maps of the "good of the corporation". The app is able to converse in Russian, just when needed, if the screen is locked, but realized it is not as convenient - simply appears on the screen notice about where you need to roll. In addition, display and plugs, but they are often not very accurate.
It is a good idea can be used in conjunction with Google Now (aka Google Search) on your iOS-device.
Price: Free
A huge database of various objects in the city. It has information on virtually every home in the city (supported, of course). Find the right building, organization or address very simple as to pave his path. As part of the objects can be viewed even information as to which entrance you need to drive to get exactly where were going.
Show stopper, but not for all the streets, mostly only main roads. Can not speak at all, but as a navigator is not convenient, functional and beautiful.
Price: Free
Yandex. Cards
Perhaps one of the most informative services in the App Store. Quickly enough updated information on the status on the roads of the traffic jams, cameras, roadworks and accidents. In addition, a so-called "people's card", utilizing which you can see comments and tips left by users of the service, that it is sometimes very useful.
I can not speak as such and not in fact navigator. It has an awkward interface, which is not possible to even rotate the map. Can be used as an application that allows you to calculate the route, but go with it is extremely problematic. Although I think the vast majority of drivers and cards are on Yandex, so as not to bother to alternatives.
Price: Free
Yandex. Navigator
Then what should be the Yandex. Cards. It can do everything the same as the previous application, with the only exception that looks good (almost perfect with the recent updates) and is able to talk. It maintained the same functionality: jams, road events and "people's card".
Unfortunately, tests, do not run of the routes offered by other navigation applications. Usually there are two out of three of these. But it is currently easy to use. As a bonus - is able to define "by ear" destination. To do this, instead of entering the addresses with the keyboard, you can simply dictate.
Price: Free
Navitel and SitiGid
I knowingly combined these two applications. It seems that they have developed the same people as the "ills" for both are the same: constant problems with licenses / activation, overload and absolutely inconvenient interface, it is extremely rare and high renovation price. May work well as a separate navigator in the car, rather than the application (although, according to rumors, all exactly as bad). Of the advantages can be noted... nothing.
Price: Free
Price: Free
This navigation service came to hand quite by accident. Its existence before that I did not know. I decided to try and was pleasantly surprised.
He is able to talk and to prevent not only turns on / turns, but school zones, cameras and "speed bumps". At the right moment will tell with a side better to stick movement, and clearly show in which a number of the move to turn right. Adequately shows congestion and road events, at least not worse Yandex.
Among the few drawbacks is worth noting an ugly interface, similar to the previous representatives, too overloaded and not intuitive. But as a navigator, perhaps the best of all.
Price: Free
Not so much a browser as an application for fun, which I wrote some time ago. Hudway road projects on the windshield of your car glass. It looks quite nice, but as a navigator, I would not recommend :)
What am I stopped in the end? It turned out that not to find a single application for all tasks, so we had to leave a few:
- is, of course, the standard Apple maps that will soon (I hope) will work adequately and in Russia. Abandoned just because they are not removed.
- 2 GIS. As a useful source of information on the city, which is very convenient to look for the necessary addresses / phone numbers / space travel.
- Yandex. Navigator. As the main system for navigation. In conjunction with user tips - quite a good solution.
- PROGOROD. I do it actively tests before deciding on a purchase. The license is not cheap (1,200 rubles), so it is best to identify all the "schools" in advance, the more so with absolutely no restrictions, you can use the first 30 days of application. And if this time would be a little something for the "Like" in Facebook`e or "Vkontakte" you will be given the same amount of time to continue the test. Maybe if I make up my mind, it will take place the navigator on Yandex. And yet - so.
Of course, there are other navigation system, but nothing good on the eye is no longer come across. Maybe you can tell whether you are using similar applications themselves, and if so, what?