How to calculate feykovye accounts "VKontakte"
Tips Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Feykovye accounts have long filled the majority sotsialok, but more often we encounter fake, of course, in the social network "VKontakte". Since the decoy pages are often in a hurry, they are quite easy to calculate. In our today's article, we'll show you how to do it.
We determine the age of the page
Each page "VKontakte" after the registration is assigned a serial number - ID. With it, we can determine how much of the "old" user page, which we suspect fakes.
To find out ID, go to the desired page, and we're looking at the browser address bar:
If we see a picture, you should do differently:
Go to the list of user's friends, and then you will see its ID in the address bar:
As a result, we received ID is equal to 80 491 907.
Once you know the page ID, you can roughly determine how long ago it was created. For example, if the ID of the page about 100 000 000, It indicates that it was created in 2010, and if some 180 000 000Then in 2012. Well, if the ID is approaching, for example, to 280 933 146, It indicates that the page has been created recently.
So, if you determine the approximate date of the registration page and understand what it was created not so long ago - a couple of weeks, or maybe do not trust such a user, even a few days ago worth.
Do not also believe in various stories, which you use to try to wriggle out of a man who pretends to be because of what is not. Here are the most popular ones:
- «My old page blocked, created a new one. " Access to her page is restored very quickly using a mobile phone.
- «I created a second page on purpose. " Ask the user to send you a message from the first page.
See if the user is active on your page
To create the appearance of a "live" pages often load fakie many avatars and photos to an album, write a bunch of posts on the wall and make hundreds repost. But pay attention not on quantity but on placement date. If the wall pictures and recordings are placed in a single day or for any short period of time, it is very suspicious. Pages are filled with real users gradually, not in one day. Well, if the page is completely blank, then it is doubly suspicious.
Check the authenticity of the photos
Fakes usually steal pictures from real users, or "borrow" photos from the same phishing web accounts. From permanent perezalivov photo quality is much worse - they pikseliziruyutsya.
An example of a particularly popular photos, which are subject to frequent perezalivam:
Check the authenticity of the photos, you can use Search from Google images. To do this, select one of the user's photo and save this image to your computer.
After that, go to the Google search for pictures, upload your photos and get the result: this picture is often found on the Internet, which means that it is not real user's photos.
Fake can be quite tricky and put on the avatar photo, which is not so popular. So for more reliable results confirm some of his photos.
Pay attention to the activity of the user's friends on the page
Any person has friends and acquaintances who laykayut his photographs, repost and comment on his record. Check whether there is a similar "footprints friends" on the user's page. But be careful, as fake can be friends with the same fake, which is also active on his page. So check your friends page will also not be amiss.
Arrange interrogation
If the user has specified that lives with you in one city, then ask him a couple of questions that can easily answer any indigenous person. Cling to any information - a place of work, place of study, and so on. Ask as many questions and follow human behavior: if he evades the question, whether the answers in detail and quickly.
Remember that fake any request somehow verify your page responds to the standard:
I'm not going to prove anything to you! Not want - do not believe it!
Do you know the ways in which you can recognize the fake web page? Share in the comments.