Appendix "DelaDen" will move from task to deeds
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you always forget something to do, or even compose yourself a list, but still it is not satisfied, the application "DelaDen" will finally carry out his plan. List can easily be imported into a schedule of activities, so that you know exactly what to do today, tomorrow, or any day, as a reminder and advice of the virtual trainer to help you improve your organization.
It has long been known that the thought-to-do list helps to make more, but write this thoughtful list? You can just mark in your diary the case, which would be nice to do, but if you do not set a specific date and time, they can get lost and remain only plans.
DelaDen app for iOS 7 and above combines two useful components: a general list where you can record everything, anything from a "get out of the apartment" to "conquer the world" and planning for each day in which you can set yourself a specific time performance. And now in more detail.
To-do list
Going to the app, you'll see three tabs: Cases planingi and Day.
In the tab "Things" you are creating a new plan, you can change their order of least importance and subordinate to one another. For example, you create a task "Buy a gift", but in order to buy it, you have to borrow money and somehow know that he wants birthday.
Right clicking on the chain icon from the case, you choose the task to which he was tied. As a result, you have a chain of cases in which one thing - the main thing, and the others - subordinates.
So you have thrown in the application of their affairs, now it's time to ask for their execution. To do this, you go to the tab "Planing" and see a double window - with deeds and schedule of the current day.
You drag the case to the desired time, and all - now you can see all the works on the exact schedule and know when you need to carry them out. If plans change, you can easily move them in time to catch everything.
By the way, you can put it is not at a certain time, and the whole day. To do this, drag the matter on the gray bar below the date, and it will always be on your mind.
In addition, by using a check box in the upper right corner, you can set it's not just on a single day, but regularly. For example, if you need to get out every Tuesday, you simply set a reminder of this, and the application automatically puts you to the challenge.
Once you have planned your day comes the most important point - to fulfill all our plans. In the tab "Day", you can see the finished plan for any day of the week, consisting of your affairs, and you can mark the extent of their implementation.
For example, you have planned to write a book review, but did not have time to finish it. Double tap on the case causes the strip to perform percent. You note the percentage done your job and leave it.
Why do it? No case does not disappear or are lost from your plan - all incomplete files are returned from the tab "Day" tab in the "Cases". At the same time the percentage of completion is stored. It will help you the next time more rationally plan the day around trying to figure out how much time you need to finish it.
additional Features
To cause additional application menu, you need to hold your finger on the panel between the plus sign and flag. Here you see the "Search", which is required when you have accumulated a lot of cases, and "Archive, where you can see the works that are today already completed, unfinished and not started.
Also, the archive contains the overall percentage of completed cases and the ratio of completed to unfulfilled. In other words, there is everything to evaluate their efficiency.
Well, the last tab with additional features - "Settings". Here you can sync the app with your reminders allow import business in the calendar and include a personal trainer.
The latter - a special chip applications. As the performance of (or failure) of their affairs, you receive messages from the virtual coach. For example, if you frequently change the business time, the coach will prompt you to check the basic plan, in order to not have to move it the other case.
If you save it, the coach pays attention to it (in Funny way), and if you are performing - praise you. That is, you will not only perform their work, but also get a bonus in the form of praise from the application. A trifle, but nice.
The app is not free - it can be bought for 66 rubles in the App Store. Quite inexpensive, especially for those who always forget their ideas and deeds, miss important events and activities. However, to get rid of his forgetfulness can still only the owners of the iPad - the app is not compatible with other apple gadgets. Maybe the developers it will change in the future.
With regard to the application design, it is minimalist, with no frills and bells and whistles. It seems that you're writing in his notebook, which, however, may remind you and even to advise. On the one hand everything it is implemented simply enough, but on the other over some of the functions have to think about.
In general, "DelaDen" worth a try all those who have long wanted to do something to organize their activities. With it, ins will be able to monitor the overall work efficiency and improve the mood at the end of the day, when the percentage of completed tasks will be high. In addition, nothing will prevent you still finish the task, no matter how many days it is not required.