IPhone 5C: why the skeptics are wrong, saying that Apple has a problem
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Jean-Louis Gasse (Jean-Louis Gassée), 9 years worked at Apple Computer executive director (1981 to 1990), is still interested in the affairs of the company, which once played an important role. A recent event has left him indifferent. Gasse The Guardian shared his thoughts.
"Remember the situation with netbooks? When Apple was too greedy and stupid to make really cheap Macintosh? And again: Apple refuses to make the iPhone a truly affordable. And it can lead to the same consequences as was the case with Mac ...
I will refrain from judgments about the new iPhone for as long as the product purchased (my other half seems like 5C, while I miss 5S), and popolzuyutsya them in two weeks - this time I have enough to dispel the first (and often incorrect) impression. In the meantime, let us speculate on the perturbation about his "damn high" price of $ 549.
Henry Blodget (Henry Blodget) [director and chief editor of Business Insider], who said in April 2011, the year that the iPhone has stalled once again sounded the alarm: Apple shortsighted - and it can hurt company. His argument, which is echoed by many experts and analysts, reduced to a deceptively simple equation:
"Network effect + = commoditization failure".
The essence of the network effect: power platform depends on the number of users. Android, with 80% of the smartphone market, will crush iOS.
The essence of commoditization: when there is an army of active, resourceful, prosperous competitors, all smartphones will eventually look and feel the same way. Apple quickly lose all the qualitative advantages which boast now, and even if the price is overpriced compared to the competition, the company can easily keep up with.
Here you have a failure.
As a confirmation of this concept skeptics refer to the battle of personal computers to mobile-dark times: is it not the same thing happened when the PC defeated the Mac? Microsoft owned the personal computer market, and due to commoditization, the price of PCs rolled down. You can interpret the story as you wish, but the facts tell a different story. Though it is stated that Microsoft owned 90% of the PC market, but they were not able to capture all of the resources in the ecosystem. It was more than enough space for the Mac, to survive, despite the small market share occupied by them.
After experiencing a difficult birth, the ruthless suppression by the Windows + Office platforms, as well as competition from PC manufacturers, large and small, Mac proved viable, profitable business. Why not look at the i-Soup in the same light and see a small but lucrative market in the future? "
Next Gasse leads advantages that make the new phones, in particular, the iPhone 5C, can be quite successful. For customers is the ability to use the program for recycling and receive a discount on a brand new machine. Operators will also benefit, since each phone will receive a good percentage.
"Many people are panicking because they can not accept the fact: Apple hit products need to survive."